𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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Y/n's POV:

I don't know what's up with my annoying cousin lately. He's an extremely annoying person who just loves to tease the hell out of others until they want to kill him. So was the case with me since I met him after 14 years.

He acts all annoying and teasing then does questionable things. For example yesterday when I passed out because of my temperature, I woke up to a sight of Jungkook treating me and asking me to eat medicine. The other day he was the one who handled me when I was out of my mind after my boyfriend cheated on me.

Although the burn in my heart still didn't vanish, I was still very upset about my boyfriend and best friend doing such a nasty thing but as time passed I was moving on. Events with Jungkook from the previous night kept me busy thinking. I don't know where he went after leaving yesterday but I did made sure he came back home later.

I didn't knew why I did it, I just did it.

I wore my shirt as I looked into the mirror. My eyes were swollen because I just woke up right now and my face looked a little pale. Tonight was the party and I had nothing to wear nor did I have the strength to go shopping so I rather decided to just sit home and not go.

I walked down the stairs as I entered the kitchen. All of them sat on the table eating breakfast. "Oh y/n darling, I was about to call you" I smile at aunt. "Come come" she says further. I walk across the room and sit on the opposite side of her. Just then my eyes landed on the person next to her.

Jungkook sat there in a plain black shirt. His hairs fell on his forehead and he ate silently. I look at him then turn my gaze to the table. Picking up the jug I pour myself some juice. As I attached the glass to my lips sucking ik the juice aunt questions

"Have you shopped for the party?" Just as she questions I see Jungkook looking up at me and his eyes settled there I stop. Then slowly keeping the glass down I look at aunt.

"I'm not planning to go" the table goes silent. Uncle stares at me as usual while Jungkook stopped eating.

"Is that a sudden decision?" She asks. I nod.

"I couldn't go shopping because I wasn't well yesterday so yeah I'm not going" I say even though I knew how much problem it would creat.

"It's okay honey. If you're well go shop right now? Jungkook would take you" my hand stop on the way to the butter. I saw jungkook's hand stopping for the second time. I pick up the butter and started to spread it.

"I'm fine it's okay" I say shortly. Aunt's lips turn into a thin line.

"Your dad, what would you say to him?" Uncle asks. "Nothing I would tell him that I wasn't well so I didn't go" I shrug my shoulders. Uncle and aunt got quite.

"Alright baby, as you're comfortable" aunt says then turns to her husband who speaks "alright then, I'll leave" uncle huffs. "Take care of yourself y/n and yes if possible make sure to go" he says. I take a long breath and smile.

"Sure" I reply before he leaves. Aunt smiles at me and goes into the kitchen leaving me and Jungkook alone on the table. I scratch my nose as I bite the bread trying my best not to look at Jungkook Infront who looked cute as hell. I've seen him wearing bold since I came and it was the first time I say him in such an appearance.

I lift my head up as I hear the drag of chair. Jungkook pushed his chair back and stood up. I look up at him unintentionally. He looked back. "come to my room" I stilled at the sentence. My face blank.


"Come to my room" he repeats. Voice calmer and more slower. I look at him with shock. "Are you in your senses? You're asking me to-"

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