𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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Author/ third person POV:

The raindrops tap-danced on the roof, the thunder rumbled in the distance like a giant's belly growling, and the lightning painted the sky in quick, bright flashes. The air felt charged and fresh, and the sound of rain hitting the ground was like a soothing melody. Weather was the mix of power and peace, nature's own symphony.

He carried her in his arms. Her one hand hung down while her hairs fell straight and damp wet. She was unconscious as he carried her thought the hallway.

Slow steps while his eyes didn't leave her face. Her frock was now see through. Her body showed under the dress since it was wet but he couldn't careless. She was the only one he didn't wanted for her body. The only one he didn't wanted for a night and the only one he didn't wanted for pleasure.

He opened her rooms door before slowly entering inside. With his foot again he closed the door walking towards the bed to lay her precious frame down. Keeping her gently on the bed he looked at her with admirable eyes.

She lay there with pink lips. Her hairs not fully dry but they fell onto her beautiful face. He removed the hairs off her face before grazing his finger on her cheek. She slept peacefully as he stared at her.

The thunder rumbled again making the dark room lit with some light. Jungkook's hair fell on his forehead while his figure sat next to her on the bed. The thunder casted both of theirs shadows on the wall. Her both hands rested on her belly as her face to the side with her eyes closed peacefully.

"You know I'm a drug that will destroy you" he starts saying while looking at her who slept as if she didn't had any problems. Sound and peaceful.

"You know trying to get close to me will hurt you but still you're trying" he sucks in a deep breath before he looks away. "I thought you didn't had the same feelings for me and that made it easier for me to stay away from you but now...."

His eyes landed on her face again as the lightening took place once again.

"How will I stay away from you knowing you want me close?" His eyes stared at her in a way that indicated hurt but admiring.

"When did all this happen? Where was I when that flame of love ignited in your eyes?" He continues looking at her.

"How can I promise to stay with you for life when I myself don't know if I would be alive the next moment or not? Why don't you understand you have to stay away from me?" His eyes get moist staring at her. His hand extended as he touched her face grazing his finger over her cheek he gently stroked it. His head tilted as he looked at her.

"You've been naughty ever since, and again you're doing something that'll harm you" he smiles. "Little devil, what are you? Who are you? Why are you making me feel this way? I thought I was over you until I saw you in the kitchen....." He stops and gulps.

"Taller, fuller, more beautiful, more pretty" he says. "A drug not meant for me but I wanted anyway" he smooths her hairs.

"I'm sorry for all this, but love is something that doesn't always includes loving by being with someone" his smile fades. "We can love from afar" his eyes get more intense. She breaths out in her breath.

Then Jungkook slowly holds her hand before he says

"and I chose to love you from afar" his eyes fill as he blinks.

"Forgive this dumb playboy but I can't stay with you. I'm sorry but I can't" he leaves her hand before standing up and pulling the duvet. He covers her body with the duvet before he brings a towel from the bathroom and keeps it beneath her head.

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