𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝖔𝖓𝖊

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The tires screeched on the car as I applied the brakes. Behind me all the cars came to halt. Mina got off and I walked out too. My eyes tense and my face mirroring the unease inside of me. I look around.

The place around was only forest and fields. Where the fields ended the forest started. My eyes scrunch as I look around with confusions.

"Where is the penthouse?" I ask. Mina looked at me then turned around. Scanning the place she points towards a particular spot.

"It there. But you have to walk in alot"

"Fuck walk, I would run" I said. "And you..." I pointed to her. "Are going with me" the guards immediately came keeping a gun on her head. She glared at me before rolling her eyes and folding her arms on her chest.

I suck in a breath before I jumped off the road in the fields. My guards followed me.

"Hey! I've wore heels how am I gonna get down?" The road was a little higher then the fields. We had to jump. I made an annoyed face.

"Remove them" I said. She breath in deep before she took off her heels and sat down to jump. A yelp came out of her mouth as her butt hit the floor. I made a done face before I looked Infront. She got up running her back.

"Ow that hurt"

"Take me to the penthouse" I nudged my head forward. She exhaled sharply before her foots started walking infront. I took the gun from the guard and myself held it at her head. She turned around to look at me before halting. Her eyes judging.
I nudged my head again.

"Move" frustration covered her face as she turned around and walked forward. Her hairs shined in the sun as her walk towards the field made me impatient by every second.

I just wish y/n is in there. I just fucking wish she's there. I hope they're here and I hope this is the end of our sufferings. I want her back. I want us back. I can't loose her. Loosing her means loosing myself. I was loosing my brains with every second she wasn't by my side and I'll lie if I said I didn't kill 3 people of our tension.

I was out of it.

The soft crunch of leaves beneath us was the only sound that came. The sun almost set and the after glow was looking beautiful. I roamed my eyes on the sky and suddenly I wished I didn't let y/n walk out to drink water that day. I will keep the water on the side table from now on. But the question was will she be back with me?

Will I find her? Save her?
Hell yeah.

But will I come back alive?
Will I stay alive until I find her?
I didn't knew.

Mina's face scrunched with tension as she walked forward looking around and scanning. "Umm" she said. Walking forward she took an over view of the forest. I stared at her as I see the wheels moving in her head. She bit her lips and her eyebrows got more closer to each other. I waited being impatiently patient.

Then she stopped at a particular spot. "There!" She said, her hand extending forward towards a place. "We have to walk it for some minutes and soon the penthouse will be in view"

"Guards come on!" I said as I nudged her again to lead the way. She sucked in sharply before she started walking. I kept the gun loaded as I walked after her. Our steps one after another walked forward. The forest got darker and the fields slowly started to disappear. The night was almost here since the sun set in the horizon.

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