𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

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Jungkook's POV:

"Such a moron huh?" I give another punch on Charles's face. His head jerked back and his groan filled the basement of my home.

He glared at me, his expressions hard beneath the scars and bruises he got. I tied him to a chair with his limbs bound with a rope. "Dare to touch me?" Charles spit out a mouthful of blood. "See what happens to you"

I rub my knuckles. They were numb from the beating they gave to Charles since past hour. I lean in to him, pulling his hairs back as he squeals I say to him "dare to touch y/n? See what is happening to you" I leave him with a jerk. "You probably wondered she would be someone ordinary who would serve you without saying anything but maybe this is god's way of fucking teaching you Charles..." I move a few feet away.

"Ask for consent before you jump in like a fucker" I finish with another punch. Another groans comes out of his mouth. It was 3 days since the rape incident. I was embarrassed for her to get such a awful experience on her first day in Korea.

Mom and dad know nothing. Nothing about the party, nor about the incident. I didn't request y/n to do so but it caught me by surprise that she didn't told anyone about it. However there were few obvious signs that told the shock she got.

She didn't came out of her room except for the meals. If anyone asked she said she doesn't had anywhere to go.

But only I knew what the actual reason was.

"I told you moron, I was drunk you should blame your Walnut sized brain for what happened. Why did you brought her in the party at first place?"

"You talk alot don't you? Do you want your blood to hit the floor in a steady drip, drip, drip charles?" I ask. He glares in response.

I would've let it slide if it was someone else. But he attacked y/n. Aside being someone I hated, she was my family member. The only young female in my family and my dignity.
I would never allow someone like Charles to behave to her that way.
She was the pride of this house and the life of my uncle. How did he dared to touch her?

"Is she your girlfriend?" He chuckles.
"She's beautiful, infact too beautiful, but would've looked more beautiful under me" he grinned.

His teeth covered with the layer of blood. I scoff. He was tied up here on my mercy. If I wanted he would not see the world next second but there he was. Smiling and mocking the hell out of me when I was capable of taking it away the next moment.

I scoff. Who had a brain the size of a walnut now?

"You're not handsome at all..." I say wearing my brass knuckles. "But I can bet you would still look good being beaten" sounds of howls echo in the air as I continue to punch him until I panted.

I wanted to beat him so much that he turned minced but I couldn't and I hated that.

I didn't knew what made me more mad. The fact that he lay hands on the only girl in my house or that my own girlfriend wanted to break up with me because she saw me with y/n?

Whatever it was, it boiled me enough to beat him for good.

Jimin holds me tight. "Enough Jungkook. He will die"

I throw my brass knuckles away. "You're lucky, I don't plan on killing you" I throw money on his face as Jimin unties him. "Here's the money for the treatment of your wounds and make sure you never touch a girl in my party" I say.

My knuckles hurt and my shirt was covered with his crimson getting me disgusted. I walked up the stairs and secretly sneaked into my room. As I pass by y/n's room my feet stop.

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