𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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Y/n's POV:

The events from yesterday night still lingered in my brain when I took a bath after getting up from a deep sleep. As soon as I changed into my casual wear I walked out of my room down to have breakfast. My chest much more lighter while the temperature I had some days ago left no signs of it.

I walked towards the kitchen and looked around. Everyone already ate at the table. A smile made its way up to my face before I walked forward and said a loud good morning.

"Good morning aunt and uncle!" I say with excitement as I sit down on my chair. Jungkook sat next to his mother Infront of me eating his toast. I glance at him before I put myself breakfast and pour some juice before sipping it.

"Good morning honey! You seem in a good mood" aunt smiled wide. I shook my head. "Yeah. The temperature is gone and I feel more healthy and good" I say putting a bite into my mouth.

"Good. Now take care of yourself well" she said. I nodded. The smile ongoing as I ate. Even if Jungkook didn't show it or made it visible I still knew he was comparatively distracted from his breakfast somehow. I suck in a breath glancing at him once more.

Just then the maid came. "Ms Lee" I looked up. "Some guy is here to meet you. He tells himself as Dan" I crunched my brows while aunt looked at me. I saw Jungkook stilling while eating as he looks up slowly.

"Oh Dan is here?" Aunt says. "Call him in for breakfast" I shook my head.

"No I'll just go and meet him" sudden annoyance crept into my chest before I pushed my ass up the chair and walked out of the dining room.

Making my way out of the home I look around. Just as I spot Dan my gaze stopped. He stood there a bit far from the main gate leaning on his car with an elegant suit. His gaze on his phone. I exhaled sharply before I walked towards him. He looked up and a smile spread almost immediately on his face.

"Hey y/n!" He smiles. I smile back.

"Hey Dan!" I stop when I reach near him. "What brings you here?" I say. He looks around. "Nothing I was just free so I thought to visit you" his voice seemed hesitant. I waited for him to complete his sentence.

"Umm...I wonder if we could just go out now? Does that sound good?" I stare into his eyes as he says it with an hesitant voice. Then I breath out and looked away thinking.

"Absolutely not ! Give me sometime to get ready" the nervousness on his face melt into a smile as he nods.

"No problem take your time" I nod. "Well if we're going then you're going to feed me because I was having breakfast when you came" a teasing smile made its way up my lips as I roll my arms on my chest.

He chuckles. "Should I apologize or make it up to you?" He says. "Isn't both the same?" I turn to him.

"Let's have breakfast at your favorite restaurant in Korea as far as I remember alright?" He says. I nod excitedly before "sounds like a good deal" I say.

Just then Dan's eyes move behind my shoulder before his smile dimmed a little. His eyes lingered there for some seconds before "is that your cousin?" I crunch my brows before I turn around.

We stood enough far away from the main gate, yet that didn't made me miss the lines of frustration on jungkook's forehead who leaned on the door frame of the big entrance with his hands rolled on his chest.

My smile vanished as I looked at him. "Yeah he is" I say then turn to Dan. "Wait here while I get ready!" He smiles looking back at Jungkook. I turn around walking speedily towards the door. As soon as I reach Jungkook he straightens.

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