Chapter 1: The Start of Something New.

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You don't even need to worry 'bout your weight cuz we can only love the way that God made us.

-Nina by Ed Sheeran.

Chapter 1: The Start Of Something New.

{Tyler's P.O.V}

"Tyler Oakley!" My name is being shouted into my face by the one & only: Ms. June Haverly. She's still single, no surprise with how naggy she can be, probably living alone with 33 cats. She reminded me of a June bug, no reason other than she pestered the shit out of me the way any other bug would.

It's not that she was unattractive, really. She was actually quite beautiful. Deep, rich, hazel brown eyes with long, light brown hair that curled in all the right places. She had a nice, hourglass figure, tall for a girl. She's still young & if she didn't dress like such a prude, she'd probably have a man.

She & I have been waiting for the glorious day that was finally approaching: Graduation day. Ever since my Freshman year, I've been stuck with Ms. Haverly as my Homeroom/Advisory teacher. She was always convinced I'd never go anywhere in life & that I wouldn't even graduate on time or ever. & now, here I am, about to prove her sorry ass wrong.

She slammed a book down to get my attention, causing me to jump about 3 feet in the air. I hear laughter filling the classroom with small amounts of snickers & giggles here & there. I'm not one to let anyone embarrass me, so I rolled my eyes into the back of my head before putting on a big smile, obnoxiously yelling in Ms. Haverly's direction, "OH, HAAAAAAY!"

She made a face before shoving a piece of paper in my face, saying in a friendly manner (although I can tell she didn't mean it), "Welcome back to school, Mr. Oakley." She let a sound of disgust leave her mouth before clicking away on her stilettos to find another victim. Excuse me, I meant student.

Allow me to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Tyler Oakley & I'm now a Senior in high school. I attend Woodley-Hill Ridge High School & live in Washington State. Yes, the state that filmed Twilight, basically never stops raining, & homeland where Starbucks was created. You're very welcome.

I have a good thing going here, I suppose. Solid group of friends, popularity, my Mom, who supports me unconditionally. I got decent grades & I was a good boy, most of the time.

I have superpowers. One being super strength, so I can lift anything & everything, despite how heavy or large something is. I also had the power of speed. I can disappear & travel back in the blink of an eye, but that power of mine was kept under wraps.

My Mom, Jackie, always told me she knew I was special. She was right when I told her at the age of 8 that I had two superpowers. It was a rare case in our society when someone had two powers or more. My Mom always worried about me that if someone were to find out, bad things would happen. Really bad things. The Justice was always fighting for equality of all people, no matter what you were capable of, but the Allegiance always said otherwise & had the upper hand. It was never safe to be different, especially with the Allegiance being in control for the most part. She told me to never share that fact about myself to anyone, no matter who it is. I promised her still to this day I wouldn't. So I haven't.

Kids in school stuck with the same power types or people with powers similar to theirs.

Flying, invisibility, levitation, flexibility, morphing, mind-reading, mind-control, teleportation, anything like that typically were friends.

Powers such as strength, speed, if you were psychic, controlled the Earth & everything in it, fire, cloning abilities, or anything of the sort, you'd group up with your fellow kind.

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