Chapter 6: Lovin' You So Hard.

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It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,

But I'm holding you closer than most

Because you are my heaven.

-A Drop in the Ocean by Ron Pope.

Chapter 6: Lovin' You So Hard.

{Troye's P.O.V.}

Tyler had kissed my cheek & it's the only thing that occupied my mind as I went through the rest of the school day. It was making me insane, HE is driving me insane. But I liked it. After being so in love with him for so many years, it's great that he finally noticed me & that we might even be becoming friends. He didn't treat me any less of a human being like everyone else did. He actually cares about me. He didn't think I was weird. He didn't think I was lame for having the power of invisibility. 

Maybe he could be my boyfriend soon.


Don't get ahead of yourself, focus on the friendship first, Troye.

6th period went by fast, Joe constantly having to pull me back to pay attention to History, but really, I could give a shit less about History right now. Tyler is the only thing that mattered. It's not like the first day is really important, it never is. It's always just a bunch of forced, awkward "get to know you activities" & icebreakers that make you want to stab your eyes out with needles or stuff your ears with cotton to bear the terrible, cringe-worthy moments that is bonding with your fellow classmates. 

Joe eventually gave up on me, especially when he realized that Caspar is also in our AP Gov class. His sentences gradually became fragments. It was like a kid trying to stack marker caps one on top of another. They'll try to piece it together, but anytime they got to a reasonable, satisfiable height, it'd come tumbling down to have to restart. He was growing uneasy, fumbling on his words. He kept staring at Caspar & all I could do is think about how much fun I'm going to have teasing him about Caspar this year. Reasonable payback for all the years he's teased me about Tyler. 

My time has come. YES. 

I turn all my focus on Joe, attempting to catch a thought, hopefully about Caspar, so that I can confirm my suspicions about his feelings for him. 

"Stop trying to read my mind, you asshole."  

He smirked at me, very well knowing what I was going to do. That little shit, I fucking hate him. 

I managed to read his mind, but I hit him forcefully enough to knock him off the desk he was sitting on. Serves him right. Another idea then popped into my head & it was my turn to be smug. Since I can't get through to Joe, I could read Caspar's mind because he isn't as heavily guarded & he also doesn't know I can read minds. 

I projected all my attention to Caspar, getting a couple thoughts at first about pizza, cake, someone named Emma Lee, & other questionable, but miscellaneous things until I finally got one about Joe. 

"That Joe lad that's hanging out with Troye is rather attractive."  

"YES!" I hopped out of my seat to see everyone staring at me. 

I cleared my throat & composed myself, dusting my shoulders off before telling everyone to mind their own damn business. I'm not doing a very good job of going unnoticed & staying under the radar already this year, but I couldn't care much. 

"Hey Caspar! Come over here," I gesture for him to come join Joe & I. Joe turned to me with wide eyes as if silently pleading to please not do that to him. But Caspar was making his way towards us & it was far too late now. I mouthed as I chanted "Jaspar, Jaspar, Jaspar," under my breath until Caspar reached our desks. 

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