Chapter 8: All Good Things Take Time.

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Took a walk on the clouds, fell asleep on the moon

And I'm not coming down,

Now that I'm with you

If we ever wake up,

Don't know what I would do

Are we really in love

Or dazed and confused?

-Dazed & Confused by Jake Miller.

Chapter 8: All Good Things Take Time.

{Troye's P.O.V.}

I hear my cell phone ringing & I pick it up, but not before looking at the time & caller ID.

It's Tyler.

I couldn't help but feel giddy that he had called first. That means he wants to talk to me. I'm glad because I was about to call him first.

I felt my heart leaping in my chest, tightening & making it harder to breathe. The things he made me feel, if only I could make him feel the same way.

I clicked the answer button & there was silence on both of our ends for a while until I said, "Tylah?"

My breathing grew warm & heavy rather fast. I was freaking out that maybe it had been a mistake & he actually didn't mean to call me after all.

He seemed distracted, but responded eventually. "Yeah, hey. I'm here. Sorry," He then sighed.

"It's nice to hear your voice," I told him before sighing myself & having a smile grow on my face, running my hands through my hair nervously.

I began pacing around my room, alternating my cell phone in my hands because my palms grew sweaty constantly, so I had to keep wiping them on my pants leg.

"Yeah. I would say the same..." He trailed off & I can sense he's grinning too.

My heartbeat began sounding louder by the second in my ears, taking a seat on my bed now, flicking my wrist a little to release some tension.

We began talking basically until one in the morning about so many things. We reached insecurities, & well, I had a lot of them to share. He was pretty upset that I'm so unhappy with myself, but what can I say? But he reassured me that I'm fine the way that I am & that he wouldn't change a thing, even if he had a chance.

"Not even my lame superpower?"

"No, not even your so-called lame superpower, which I think suits you & is super awesome," He gushed sweetly.

He then asked me if I liked anyone & yeah, of course I do, it's Tyler. I'm not admitting that though because if I did & he didn't like me too, it'd be unbearably embarrassing & he'd never want to speak to me ever again.

He could tell this subject is making me uncomfortable & I also made that quite clear, so he changed it swiftly to pancakes & waffles.

For whatever reason in his delusional little mind, he thinks waffles are better, but he is absolutely wrong, pancakes are far superior to his waffles. I'm literally so done with him sometimes.

I noticed that it's almost two in the morning & as much as I'd love to ignore that fact & keep talking to him like this forever, we still had school today. Not to mention, it's only the second day of school.

"Hey, Ty, it's like about to be 2 in the morning," I outbursted suddenly, laying down on my bed now, rolling over onto my side.

He hesitated, then said, "Wow, I didn't even notice. Time flies by when you're having fun, doesn't it?"

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