Chapter 3: I Wanna Know You.

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We're only getting older baby

And I've been thinking about it lately

Does it ever drive you crazy

Just how fast the night changes?

Everything that you've ever dreamed of

Disappearing when you wake up

But there's nothing to be afraid of

Even when the night changes

It will never change me and you.

-Night Changes by One Direction.

Chapter 3: I Wanna Know You.

{Tyler's P.O.V}

I love English class, but at the same time, it lessens my passion for writing. & reading. Or being creative. Or being productive. Or just. Doing anything, really.

Luckily, I have Hannah & Mamrie Hart to keep me company & to pass the time.

Let me tell you, these pair of sisters can stir up some trouble, but they've been some of my closest friends since my early days. They're mind-readers, so I can't really ever keep much from them, but that doesn't mean I didn't try.

I didn't have any of my other good friends in this class apart from them, so. There you go. But I knew I'd see Marcus, Caspar, Louise, & Zoe at lunch.

Our AP Lit teacher was Mr. Dawson, first name Shane. He was more or less a pretty great teacher, also very nice. His brown hair used to be this terrible fringe look that actually made most of us cringe & he looks like he's gone through some sort of dramatic weight change in the past. He definitely wasn't fat, I'd say he's at a moderate weight that seemed healthy.

He began to write his name on the board before taking his seat, waiting for all of us to come in before the bell rang.

Mame-town & Han kept cracking jokes that released my laugh unwillingly before I stopped, seeing someone enter the room that caught my eye.

It was the cute boy I bumped into from earlier.

I stopped talking & Hannah & Mamrie took notice, seeing who stole my attention before looking at each other teasingly.

"Does someone have a crush?" Hannah asked in a flirty manner.

"Um, well, not quite?"

"Sure," Mamrie rolled her eyes before concentrating & I knew what she was about to do.

"DON'T YOU DARE COME FOR ME, BACK THE FUCK UP. I can't believe you'd try to read my mind at a moment like this."

They said boredly & in unison, "I can," before taking their seats so that class can start.

The twin connection thing will never fail to amaze, yet creep me out all at the same time.

The cute boy was walking through the aisles, taking a seat near the back & saw me looking at them, so they gave me a friendly smile before sitting down.

I kept staring. I couldn't help it. He is so God damn sexy.

I didn't want to develop a crush. I have more important things to focus on. Plus, I haven't been in a relationship since. Well. In a while. It didn't end well last time.

It ended in potential danger, tears, & nothing but heartbreak.

But for this boy, I want to break all those resolutions of mine.

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