Character Ask Answers A/N.

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When I said I was doing a character ask, I meant for you to ask about their superpowers, relationships, their future in the story, THINGS THAT ACTUALLY RELATE TO THE STORY.

Hardly any of you asked actual questions about their relevance in Anything But Ordinary, but I shall answer, excuse me, WE shall answer than anyways.

Me: *Sighs.* Hello, my twinkle twinkie twinks, welcome to my very first Character Ask! Everyone, say hi!

ABO Gang: *Waving, blowing kisses to you all.* Hi!

Me: *Lets out a deep puff of air.* So our readers have some questions for each & every one of you here right now. Shall we answer them?

Phil: Yes, we shall!

Dan: *Rolling his eyes.* Philly, you're such an optimist.

Phil: *Crossing his arms.* Well, maybe you should try being one sometime, grumpy Meme Queen.

*Troyler snickering to themselves, Hartbig shaking their heads as Phan fondly, Jaspar flashing goofy faces at one another.*


ABO Gang: *Hangs head in shame.* Sorry, Mariah.

Me: Better be before I get sick of all of you & just kill you off.

ABO Gang: *Panicked shouts & apologies.*

Me: Good. So Troye, the first question would be for you!

Troye: *Flashing a smile with his teeth.* WAIT, REALLY? That's so great. *Blush grows on his face.*

Me: Yes, so I shall give you several at a time to save some time, all right? How about we start with you all reminding everyone what your superpowers are, okay?

Troye: Right, so my superpowers are the power of mind-reading & invisibility. After I got in a serious relationship with Tyler, he enhanced my powers, & now, I can walk through surfaces, mind-read several people's minds at once, & create force fields.

Me: Thank you. So first question is why are you so perfect?

Tyler: *Puts his head in his hands, stares at Troye lovesickingly.* Yeah, why are you?

*ABO Gang groans in disgust.*

Me: Could you two stop being gross for three seconds, thanks. Anyways, Troye??

Troye: *Blushing even more than before.* Um. First, Ty, I love you. Second, I don't know how to answer this without seeming like a stuck-up prick, so all I can is thank you?

Me: So next several questions, feel free to take your time to answer. Name 10 things you love about your Tilly, would you die for Tyler?

Troye: Wow, people are very nosey about our relationship, aren't they? Anyway, 10 things I love about Tyler, aah. That's so hard because there are just so many. *Reaches out to hold Tyler's hand, rubs small circles on the back of it.* Well, I'll try to narrow it to 10. His eyes, his laugh, oh god. How much I adore it. The crinkles in the corner of his eyes when he smiles a lot, the way he kisses me, the way he makes me feel, how big his heart is.

Readers: What about his-

Troye: *Eyes widening.* DON'T EVEN GO THERE.

Readers: Psh, whatever, DAD.

Troye: I'm into huge, massive dinosaur collections, okay? You guys are so inappropriate!

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