Chapter 11: Searching For The Miracle-Working Doctor

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The wound on Jungkook's abdomen had already split open. Eunwoo could only try his best to press the wound to stop it from bleeding. He asked the driver to speed up and drive home.

The car was driving as fast as it could. To shorten the time, Eunwoo called the traffic police department. Almost instantly, the traffic lights turned red. Only Jungkook's car ignored the red light and roared past.

The traffic police department even sent out some of its forces to ensure that Jungkook's car could move smoothly.

The car sped back to the Jeon residence. Jungkook forced himself to walk back to the bedroom. The medical team surrounded him and treated his open wound.

These were all private medical teams that lived in the residence. They served only Jungkook to prevent news of his injury from spreading.

If anything happened to Jungkook, the Jeon Corporation's stocks would suffer a loss.

That was why Jungkook insisted on attending the meeting. He wanted to intimidate those villains and let them know he was good.

The doctor stitched the wound again, but Jungkook refused to use the anesthetic.

He could not accept that his body was no longer under his control.

"Have you found out?" Jungkook asked with a pale face.

Eunwoo reported, "Your second uncle was behind this assassination. They spent a lot of money to buy a few men. They found out your itinerary and planned this assassination to kill you."

The findings of the investigation did not at all surprise Jungkook. He instructed, "Send the heads of those assassins to my second uncle. Remember to pack them in the best gift box. Tell him that this is my gift to him."

When he mentioned this, he smiled as if looking forward to his second uncle opening the box.

Even though Eunwoo had been Jungkook's follower for a long time, his actions still shocked him.

He quickly called someone to buy the most expensive boxes.

When he finally finished giving instructions, Jungkook called, "Eunwoo, don't you have anything to say about this matter?"

Eunwoo instantly knelt before Jungkook and said, "Young Master, it won't happen again."

"If you do it again, I'll give your head to my uncle." Jungkook said coldly.

Eunwoo knew that he was not joking. The assassination this time was almost a success. If it were not for Jungkook's bodyguards, who lured those people away, the gun would have killed Jungkook.

If Jungkook died, the Jeon family would be in turmoil. His second uncle had been eyeing the position of the head of the family for a long time. They would massacre the entire Jeon family to achieve their goal.

After throwing a tantrum, Jungkook's head hurt even more. He frowned and said, "Get someone to give me another painkiller."

"Mr. Jeon, you just had an injection two hours ago. The effect is getting shorter and shorter." Eunwoo did not call the nurse. Instead, he lit an incense stick.

As the smoke rose, Jungkook became calm. The fragrance soothed his pain, but it was only temporary.

Jungkook calmed down and asked, "Is there any news about the miracle doctor?"

Eunwoo's expression became even more serious. "Not yet, but someone said he saw the doctor coming to A City. I've already searched in many ways."

To Jungkook, all of this was nonsense. If he could not find the doctor, all of this would be useless.

He did not have much time left.

He has contracted a strange illness since he was injured in an accident three years ago. All the famous doctors had seen him, but no one could cure him. In the end, these people all said the same thing, that it would be very difficult for him to live past 25, and now he was 24.

The Jeon family would be destroyed if what they said was true.

He did not think that his uncle could protect the Jeon family well.

Therefore, he placed his last hope in the miracle-working doctor, Ming Jing. Ming Jing was a doctor who had been in the limelight in recent years. He was even famous in the international medical field.

However, Ming Jing was a mysterious person with unpredictable whereabouts. It was difficult to find him.

Jungkook was too afraid to reveal his illness because of the ongoing conflict within the Jeon family. When Jungkook learned that Ming Jing had recently arrived in A City, he decided to pursue him. However, he never anticipated that his pursuit would nearly cost him his life.

Jungkook was busy dealing with the company's matters and could not be bothered with this miracle doctor for the time being.

"Have you found the place where I was injured?" Jungkook felt pain in his abdomen when thinking about that young girl.

Eunwoo shook his head and said, "There aren't many surveillance cameras in that alley. Most of them have been in disrepair for a long time. We only captured some pictures of backs."

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