Chapter 51: Guns

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Jungkook couldn't help but laugh upon hearing her suggestion. His smile was so captivating it could melt ice and snow. Lalisa couldn't help but admire how someone could be so handsome as her cheeks gre steadily redder.

It marked the first time Jungkook had encountered such an astute girl who could consistently anticipate his thoughts. Had they known each other since childhood, they might have become close friends.

"Then let's go," Jungkook said, taking Lalisa's hand as they entered the banquet hall.

Inside, everyone was engrossed in dancing to the waltz played by the renowned band the Jeon Family had hired. However, as soon as Jungkook and Lalisa appeared, all movement ceased. Those present couldn't believe their eyes—Jungkook was holding Lalisa's hand.

A lady in white gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh, my God, could it be that these two are in a relationship?"

Mrs. Oh was equally thrilled. "They look so compatible."

Many others in the room shared similar thoughts, but Yeri was nearly grinding her teeth in envy. She hadn't expected Lalisa to be with Jungkook while she was still pursuing Sehun.

She thought to herself, "Jungkook must have been enchanted by Lalisa's looks. If Lalisa loses her beauty, Jungkook will surely abandon her."

These thoughts brought a small measure of satisfaction to Yeri as she fantasized about being by Jungkook's side. Unlike Lalisa, who had spent her childhood in the countryside, she believed she would be more deserving of Jungkook.

In the face of the numerous curious gazes, Lalisa remained calm and composed. She even turned to Jungkook with a jest, saying, "I'm probably shining brighter than any celebrity now."

Jungkook replied with a smile, "Miss Manobal's beauty is radiant enough."

Lalisa didn't react with happiness to this compliment. In her view, she should be applauded for her capabilities, as beauty would eventually fade with time.

Jungkook held Lalisa's hand and led her to the second floor. He even took off his suit jacket and draped it over her, displaying remarkable consideration.

Jeon Hai couldn't help but tease, "I've never seen Jungkook be so considerate to anyone. Miss Manobal is the first."

Lalisa responded playfully, "This isn't even remotely considerate. What would be considerate is when he buys me something worth millions."

Jeon Hai was taken aback by Lalisa's response. It sounded as if she was here for money, leaving him unsure of how to continue the conversation.

Cha Eunwoo, on the other hand, concealed his amusement behind a lowered head. He felt like giving Lalisa a thumbs up; finally, someone was capable of making Jeon Hai uncomfortable.

Jeon Hai secretly held disdain for his nephew's taste, finding it hard to believe that Jungkook had taken a liking to someone so brash. However, he surmised that Jungkook was primarily drawn to Lalisa's beauty.

Suddenly, a gunshot echoed through the room, jolting everyone. People dropped to the floor, seeking cover. The guard stationed at the door lay lifeless in a pool of blood.

After the guests had recovered from the initial shock, their first instinct was to rush into the backyard. Gunshots could still be heard from outside the front door, indicating that someone was attempting to breach the mansion's defenses. Yeri grabbed Namjoon's hand and joined the crowd, but amidst the chaos, he lost sight of Lalisa.

He spotted Bambam and urgently shouted, "Go to the second floor and find Lalisa!"

Bambam nodded and dashed toward the second floor. However, as he reached the top of the stairs, a group of armed people stormed in.

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