Chapter 47: Entry

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Yeri was trying to maintain her usual well-behaved demeanor, but Lalisa's return had brought a great deal of pressure. Bambam and Namjoon were showing signs of uncertainty, and she needed to strategize for her future.

From her perspective, her entire future hinged on her choice of a spouse. She believed she needed to wed into a prestigious family, securing her place in high society. Therefore, she had always stayed close to Oh Sehun, aiming to position herself as the most important person in his life.

However, since the engagement was called off, Sehun has not made any effort to reach out, and his communication with her has been minimal. When she tried to initiate contact, he responded tersely with only a few words.

This was why Yeri was so eager to attend the upcoming banquet. She needed to see Sehun in person to confirm his feelings.

Bambam, unaware of Yeri's motivations, gazed at her crying by the door and felt puzzled by her behavior. He couldn't see anything particularly special about the banquet that warranted such a confrontation over a ticket.

"Fourth Brother, could you please let me attend the banquet?" Yeri implored when she noticed Bambam's silence.

In the past, whenever she shed tears, Bambam would usually give in to her wishes. However, this time, Bambam displayed an unusual impatience. He regarded Yeri with a stern expression and stated, "Ri-Ri, crying doesn't mean you can have everything your way."

Yeri panicked and replied, "But it's just a banquet. Why can't you grant me this small request?"

"I've asked the same question. Why do you insist on attending this banquet?" Bambam inquired further.

If Yeri had a compelling reason, Bambam might consider giving up his spot, but he was not inclined to waste it on Yeri's trivial desires.

However, given the recent breakup of the engagement and her growing affection for him, Yeri couldn't reveal her true intention, which was to see Sehun. She knew that her eldest brother would strongly object.

It would definitely create a scandal if the Oh Family proposed to marry Yeri immediately after breaking off their engagement with Lalisa. And Namjoon would definitely prevent such a situation from occurring in the Song Family.

With these considerations in mind, Yeri was left with no choice but to secretly seek out Sehun. She hoped to cultivate a romantic relationship with him, anticipating that he would eventually propose marriage. However, she knew she had to keep her intentions hidden from her family until the right time.

Yeri was confident that Sehun had special feelings for her, which developed over the many years they had spent together. She believed that he had concealed his affection due to the previous engagement.

Upon seeing Yeri's hesitation, Bambam frowned and insisted, "You need to tell me, Ri-Ri. Why is it so important for you to attend this banquet?"

After a lengthy pause, Yeri finally responded, "I have my own reasons, Fourth Brother. Please don't ask any further."

Yeri's response didn't sway Bambam. He had been eager to attend the banquet with his older brother for a long time, and now they finally had the chance to go together. He didn't want to let this opportunity slip away.

Bambam shook his head and stated firmly, "Since you can't provide a good reason, I'll go with Big Brother."

With that, Bambam walked away, leaving Yeri fuming and frustrated.

After some consideration, Yeri decided to seek the help of her eldest brother. She believed that if her eldest brother instructed her to attend the banquet, Bambam would surely comply.

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