Chapter 69: Fight

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The match was scheduled for the weekend to accommodate players who worked or attended school, allowing a wider audience to watch the event. Due to the overwhelming number of spectators, the officials decided to broadcast the entire match live, eagerly awaiting the appearance of the players from both teams.

On Lalisa's side, the atmosphere was electric. After logging in, the team engaged in lively discussions about tactics in the chat room. In contrast, Eric's team appeared dispirited. They had spent the entire night doing missions, and it was a miracle that they managed to wake up and log in.

Chun Rixue, sitting in front of the computer, had noticeable dark circles under his eyes, constantly yawning as if he might doze off any second. A pile of empty coffee cups lay behind him.

The others were no better off, with even the long-range attack specialist struggling to move her fingers to control the mouse for in-game actions.

Eric was the exception, brimming with energy. He had delegated the task of supervising his team to his secretary and had gone home early to rest.

Yeri swiftly maneuvered her character to Eric's side and playfully said, "I intended to do some missions for practice yesterday, but I was so tired I wanted to take a short nap. I didn't expect to oversleep. What if I end up holding you back?"

By using voice chat and sending the message privately to Eric, Yeri's flirtatious tone left him thrilled, and he responded earnestly, "I have complete faith in our team members. Just stick by my side, and I'll protect you."

Yeri swiftly replied, "I knew you were the best."

Their playful exchange continued, oblivious to their teammates. Chun Rixue, glancing at the boss seated in the meeting room, was aware of everything transpiring. While these conversations were intended for private communication, he was fully informed.

Previously, Lalisa had asked Rosè to assist Chun Rixue to the best of her abilities if the need arose.

This was Lalisa's vindictive intentions. She believed that Chun Rixue would definitely make Yeri suffer. Even if it was just to make Yeri unhappy, it was worth it.

Therefore, when Chun Rixue suggested that she wanted to monitor his boss's messages, Rosè immediately agreed and sent it in real-time.

Upon reading the messages flooding his phone, Chun Rixue wished he could just faint right then and there. The boss's disregard for them was evident, as he intended to introduce an additional liability into the team. This battle was of great importance to all of them.

By contemplating this, Chun Rixue silently resolved that he couldn't continue in this manner. Even if he was reluctant, he had to find a way to exact revenge on the boss.

As both teams entered the battle zone, a growing crowd gathered to watch, flooding the game page with spectators.

Rosè did her utmost to maintain server stability, fearing it might crash during the battle due to the sheer number of viewers.

Eric stepped forward and said, "If you admit defeat now, I can let bygones be bygones. You just have to apologize. There's no need to quit the game." Yugeom rolled his eyes and typed, "You'd better wipe your mouth quickly so that the smell won't affect others.

Yugeom was the most impatient person, and when he started scolding someone, not many people could stop him. Chanyeol and the others couldn't help but burst into laughter in front of their computers.

Eric was now furious. He retorted, "You don't have to take advantage of me with your words. I'll let you know what it means to lose."

"If you describe yourself now, I won't refute you," Lalisa quipped.

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