Chapter 53: Sunflower Mystery

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The boys unanimously sided with Yeri, as they were eager to learn more about Sunflower, and somewhat dismissed Seulgi's remarks, which visibly irked her.

In frustration, Seulgi took out her phone and called her brother. "Brother, I remember you've played 'Future City.' Is the number one player in the game, Sunflower, a man or a woman?"

Her brother paused for a moment before replying, "Sunflower's account is registered as female. There was an instance during a competition when she spoke with a girl's voice. But there might be a chance that she has used a voice changer."

Upon hearing her brother's words, Seulgi couldn't help but smile. "See, she's a girl. You all heard her voice. I highly doubt the top player on the entire server would resort to using a voice changer."

After hanging up, Seulgi walked over confidently and stated, "My brother just confirmed that Sunflower is a girl."

Yeri, who hadn't encountered Sunflower personally, remained uncertain about the true gender. Nonetheless, she held the belief that the top player on the server had to be a man in her perspective.

She lowered her gaze and said, "Seulgi, if you're insistent on this perspective, just consider Sunflower as a girl."

Her words were filled with indescribable grievances, and the boys began to defend Yeri.

Student A remarked, "Seulgi, you're being too assertive."

"That's correct. Can't you see that Yeri is about to cry?" Student B chimed in.

In this situation, Seulgi really wanted to scold someone. In the past, she was the one who made such comments. Whenever Yeri used to cry back then, she would blame others. Now, it seemed like she had been quite foolish in those days.

"Since she claimed to have seen Sunflower, there should be a photo and an autograph, right?" Seulgi inquired.

Yeri didn't anticipate Seulgi's question, but she promptly replied, "Sunflower doesn't like taking photos, so there isn't a picture. I left the autograph at home."

"That means you can't provide any evidence now. I could just as easily claim that I know Sunflower," Seulgi said scornfully.

Yeri cursed Seulgi silently for being so difficult to deal with. She looked like she was about to cry as she spoke, "Seulgi, why do you always have to single me out like this? I only met Sunflower because my family's game company has a partnership with Lily Technologies."

Upon hearing Yeri's explanation, the people around them found her words believable. The Manobal Family indeed had a game company under their name, and it made sense for them to collaborate with Lily Technologies.

Lalisa was puzzled outside the door. She picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Jung Hoseok, is there any ongoing cooperation between our company and the Manobal Family?"

"No, there isn't. Our company has never partnered with such a large group. They always tend to make criticisms about the game," Hoseok replied.

After hearing Hoseok's response, Lalisa realized that Yeri was once again telling lies. She couldn't fathom why she could casually fabricate stories, even when it didn't benefit her in any way.

Just like now she had fabricated a lie and was facing questioning from Seulgi. What's more, this lie would be easily exposed.

"Boss, is there something wrong?" Hoseok inquired after a prolonged silence.

Lalisa snapped back to reality. "It's nothing. Can you assist me with something now?"

"No problem. Boss, what do you need me to do?" Hoseok readily agreed.

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