Chapter 67: Police Station

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Yeri anxiously waited, overwhelmed by fear. This unexpected situation had spiraled out of control, and she never imagined herself ending up at the police station.

Outside, Namjoon and Lalisa sat across from each other, while their respective lawyers engaged in a heated argument. Amidst this tense situation, the phone rang simultaneously.

Namjoon hurriedly answered the call and reassured, "Aunt Meng, I'm currently at the police station."

"Namjoon, please bring Ri-Ri back home," Meng Yu implored. "She called me before coming here. She must be frightened."

Namjoon, showing courtesy to his stepmother, readily agreed, "Don't worry, I'll make sure Ri-Ri returns home safely."

Lalisa, who overheard this conversation, maintained a stoic expression but harbored disdainful thoughts. Meng Yu had an exceptional talent for feigning innocence. She had already set up a scapegoat with Namjoon's unwitting help. However, covering up everything this time wouldn't be as straightforward.

After the call, Namjoon settled back into his seat and inquired, "Is it possible for you to negotiate with the police to allow Ri-Ri return home temporarily? I'll take responsibility for her and ensure she doesn't leave the house."

Lalisa remained silent, while Xuimin swiftly responded, "Mr. Manobal, respectfully, I must point out that while Miss Yeri claims innocence, the current evidence appears to implicate her. We can't solely rely on your familial relationship to determine her innocence. Remember, my client has suffered the most."

Aware that his request might be excessive, Namjoon still felt a brotherly duty to look after his younger sister. He could handle Lalisa's situation, but he couldn't leave Yeri alone at the police station.

As Namjoon grappled with his dilemma, Lalisa interjected, "I'm afraid I can't assist in such negotiations with the police. I've already been deeply affected by the rumors. Now that I've finally apprehended the suspect, even if she turns out to be innocent, she must have some connections involved. I can't allow her to leave the police station."

Upon hearing this, Namjoon fell into thoughtful silence. From Lalisa's perspective, her stance was reasonable and in her best interest.

Just when Namjoon was at a loss for words, a voice echoed from outside the door. "I'm here to find my sister. Is my sister, Yeri, here?"

Namjoon swiftly stepped out and chided, "Why are you shouting? Come inside."

Upon seeing his older brother, Bambam promptly quieted down and followed him inside. He then asked in surprise, "Lisa, why are you here as well?"

Who gave him the right to call me Lisa? Lalisa wondered, but she remained quiet.

"Miss Lalisa Manobal came to the police station as a victim," Xuimin explained.

Bambam immediately inquired, "I heard from the servants at home that Ri-Ri was taken away by the police. Could it be because of the rumors?"

His thoughts raced as he connected the dots. Lalisa had previously mentioned her intention to hire a lawyer and sue the person responsible for spreading the rumors. It seemed that she had come to the police station after identifying the culprit. But what did this have to do with Ri-Ri?

"The police informed me that the IP address linked to the rumor post traced back to the Manobal residence, specifically from Yeri's computer. That's why I came here," Lalisa casually replied.

Bambam quickly refuted, "That can't be right. Ri-Ri is so well-behaved; she wouldn't do something like this."

Lalisa wasn't surprised by his defense, but she still felt a pang of hurt. The entire Manobal Family had been deceived by the mother and daughter for years, and it was not easy for them to see through their schemes immediately.

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