Chapter 60: Lawyers and Cars

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Jungkook was well aware that this situation could be considered a fraud. He couldn't resort to such tactics to gain support.

However, from the beginning, it had been a mere misunderstanding on his second uncle's part. Lalisa had never claimed to be pregnant. They had speculated about it and accepted it as the truth.

Jungkook found the whole situation somewhat absurd, but it was, nonetheless, the reality.

He decided to feign ignorance. Even if he eventually clarified the mistake, the blame would fall on Jeon Hai. When he apologized to Lalisa, the shareholders who had switched their allegiance to him would resent Jeon Hai.

By contemplating this scenario, a rare smile graced Jungkook's lips. The mere thought of it satisfied him. He made a mental note to thank Lalisa again.

"Young Master, where should we meet the director?" Eunwoo inquired.

Jungkook considered it and replied, "Let's meet at Phoenix Restaurant to demonstrate my sincerity."

Eunwoo promptly made a reservation at Phoenix Restaurant, where private rooms were in high demand.

That evening, a multitude of luxury cars lined the entrance of Phoenix Restaurant. Lalisa calmly parked her bicycle at the entrance. It was a bicycle she had assembled herself from discarded parts.

The security guard at the entrance noticed this and approached her swiftly. "You can only park at the entrance if you're dining here. Move your bicycle."

"I am here to dine," Lalisa affirmed.

The security guard scrutinized Lalisa and sneered, "Do you honestly think you can afford to dine at our restaurant? This is the most upscale restaurant in A City. Can you even afford it?"

Passersby stopped and pointed at Lalisa, and some passersby even chimed in, "Young ladies these days are incredibly vain. They claim to be dining at the finest restaurant when they can't even afford it."

Lalisa didn't want to be bothered by the security guards on the street and stated, "I was invited by Kim Seokjin. You can have someone go inside and confirm."

"Seems like you've done your homework, even knowing our head chef's name. You better leave before I lose my temper!" The security guard retorted as he attempted to push Lalisa away.

Lalisa extended her arm and effortlessly tossed him over her shoulder. The security guard slid several meters away and lay on the ground in pain. The elderly lady who had been criticizing Lalisa just moments ago fell silent instantly.

Lalisa turned to face her and advised, "It's wise to speak less from now on to avoid such altercations."

The writhing security guard on the ground cried out, "Ouch, someone attacked me!"

Lalisa pretended not to hear him and stood aside to make a phone call. "Brother Jin, please come to the entrance to pick me up."

The security guard's outcry drew the attention of other security personnel at the entrance. They approached and encircled Lalisa. One of them warned, "You need to compensate my colleague right now, or we'll take you to the police station."

Lalisa scoffed, "I'm a customer at Phoenix Restaurant. He insulted me and attempted to assault me, so he got what he deserved. Are you trying to intimidate me because there are more of you?"

The other guards paid little heed to her explanation. After seeing that Lalisa had no intention of paying, they moved forward to avenge their colleague.

Lalisa kicked the person at the front, sending him flying, which instantly deterred the others. They exchanged uneasy glances and didn't dare to advance.

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