Chapter 54: Crying

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Upon witnessing Yeri's pitiable state, some boys contemplated stepping up to defend her, but they were met with stern glares from Seulgi. They were well aware of Seulgi's unruly nature. If Bambam was the male school bully, then Seulgi was her female counterpart. Provoking her would undoubtedly lead to unfavorable consequences.

"Don't try to put on that pitiful expression. I won't allow anyone to be fooled by you again. You used this same act to manipulate me as a pawn back then, making me a laughingstock in front of the entire school." Seulgi jeered, her tone filled with disdain.

Yeri understood Seulgi's methods of tormenting people, so she scanned the faces of those present, attempting to tug at their heartstrings.

Regrettably, Seulgi had no intention of playing along. She surveyed the crowd and warned, "I suggest you refrain from interfering. I did numerous favors for her in the past, and it all ended in disappointment. Even if you help her today, she'll likely belittle you and secretly think you're a fool."

Seulgi's words dissuaded everyone from intervening. They weren't naive. They easily recalled the history between Seulgi and Yeri, so they hesitated to help Yeri.

Bambam rose from his seat, intending to help Yeri, primarily because she was a member of the Manobal Family. However, Lalisa fixed her gaze on him and admonished, "It's your indulgence that emboldened her to spout such nonsense about the company."

Suddenly, Bambam felt that it might be beneficial to teach Yeri a lesson.

The company's affairs had been entrusted to his Second Brother's management. Even he couldn't casually access sensitive information about the company. Yet, Yeri dared to make unfounded statements publicly. If people took her words seriously, the consequences could be catastrophic.

From an outsider's perspective, the words of the Manobal Family were closely associated with the Manobal Corporation. Many individuals might follow suit and invest or buy stocks based on her statement, potentially causing upheaval in the entire economic market.

As these thoughts crossed his mind, Bambam couldn't help but feel that Yeri had been excessively headstrong. He sighed but refrained from saying more. This response left Yeri feeling a chill in her heart. Bambam, who had always been doting, appeared to stand by while she was bullied. Does he only have Lalisa in his eyes now?

This time, Yeri's tears were genuine, flowing from the depths of her heart. Her tears were far more sincere than before. Seulgi followed her gaze and smirked. "Do you believe you're superior to Lalisa? You're only indulging in wishful thinking."

"You don't have the right to compare yourself to Lalisa. She's already a teacher at your age, and she's a teacher that many prestigious schools overseas are vying for. You've certainly received an excellent education, but you can't measure up to her in any way."

Seulgi's scolding was not easy for many to endure. Yeri had always used others to further her own objectives, and she had never experienced such a direct reprimand before. Even if she didn't maintain her pitiable demeanor, she lacked the capability to retort.

Student A, who was a gaming enthusiast, expressed disdain, saying, "I actually believed you'd seen Sunflower. I never expected you to lie to me."

"We admire Sunflower greatly. We won't tolerate anyone spreading false information here," Student C added.

"Sunflower's gaming skills are truly unparalleled. A world-class gaming competition is on the horizon, and she's sure to bring glory to China. I can't believe you would make such baseless claims. Are you trying to smear Sunflower so that she can't participate in the competition?" Student A remarked with a look of disbelief.

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