Chapter 39: Godly Thief

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[I will challenge Tu Mi, located in the MD building. The content is to take away the Tear of the Ocean. I lost the White Jade Guanyin back then and hope to ease the pain in this challenge.]

This challenge letter surprised everyone in the Mist because they called Tu Mi a godly thief.

They had never known that Tu Mi had such an identity.

Moreover, the MD building was not an ordinary place. The best Asian companies constructed it three years ago. It was unknown what was inside, and layers of protection protected it.

A hacker discovered a network inside and wanted to sneak in to see what it was for, but he was kicked out as soon as he got close to the firewall. Some people tried to challenge it but failed. It was famous for being an iron wall.

Not only was this the case regarding network protection, but the protection, in reality, was also done to this extent. There were thousands of people patrolling around the building.

This was only the outer area. There were security guards from the special forces inside.

Mercenaries could only guard the door of the building.

A man who claimed he was Asia's top thief tried to enter. The people inside still threw him out despite having passed through three layers of outer defense.

According to him, there were not only infrared detectors like the Heavenly Network but also robots guarding every door. It could be said that there was no blind spot in the defense.

That person said, "No one can enter the MD building unless a God is coming."

Unexpectedly, someone said that Tu Mi had gone in and even stolen a White Jade Guanyin. It was explosive news. If the thief knew about it, he would be furious.

A large group of people quickly gathered before the challenge letter to discuss the authenticity of this matter.

[Could it be that Tu Mi posted this to create momentum for herself? I've never heard of her being a thief.]

[Do you think the administrator of the Mist is doing nothing? This must have been verified before it was posted.]

[Oh my gosh, I didn't expect Tu Mi to have such an identity.]

[The Tear of the Ocean is a priceless treasure. It has the highest value among the existing blue diamonds.]

[But that's the most secure building in the world. They must have upgraded their defense measures now. Can Tu Mi still succeed?]

[How do you calculate the level of this mission? This is simply the most difficult mission among all the missions.]

[Will Tu Mi accept this challenge?]

[He's already here to send a challenge letter. He'll accept it.]

[If he doesn't pick it up, he'll be looked down upon.]

Seeing that the comments had developed to this point, Hwasa panicked. "Tu Mi, don't be impulsive. I heard from the higher-ups that as long as someone breaks into this building, the robots will attack someone until death."

Hwasa was anxious to death. They had gone through so many missions together. She did not want a hacker like Tu Mi to die there.

Hearing Hwasa's words, Lalisa smiled instead. She looked at the challenge letter and already knew who it was. Three years ago, to raise money for her godmother's treatment, she dared to do anything as long as she could earn money.

Stealing the White Jade Guanyin from the MD building was one of them. She broke through layers of defense to steal the item and had never done such a thing since then.

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