Chapter 18: Falling

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Lalisa locked the door and wiped the gun she had brought. These were all her favorite weapons. She brought them here to give her a guarantee. If anything went wrong, she could still fight her way out.

Lalisa did not know why she had such thoughts. It seemed that only having enough weapons could give her a sense of security.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Yeri's sweet voice sounded, "Sister. I'm here to bring you some water."

Lalisa did not want to talk with her and continued doing her business, but Yeri kept knocking on the door.

Lalisa could not stand this kind of noise, so she could only stop what she was doing and open the door.

When Yeri saw her coming out, she smiled and brought her a glass of water, saying, "Sister. You didn't drink water just now. We should drink more water as girls, so I bring it up for you."

Looking at the clear glass of water, Lalisa had no intention of taking it over. Yeri was not angry and held it for Lalisa to take it.

The maid pursed her lips and said, "Miss was kind enough to bring you water to drink. Why are you putting on airs?"

Lalisa's gaze rested on the maid, and a faint smile appeared on her face. It seemed that this maid regarded herself as part of the family.

Lalisa looked at her. The maid became even more arrogant. "You should go back to the countryside. It's good to farm and raise pigs. You don't belong to the city."

Based on her words, she seemed to treat Lalisa as a poor relative who was here to stay. The maid had overlooked that Lalisa was the daughter of the Manobal family.

The maid wanted to step on Lalisa. Seeing that this renowned lady was not superior to her, she was extremely satisfied.

When she spoke to Lalisa, she always held her head high and looked very arrogant.

"She is just not used to it for now." Yeri did not even reprimand the maid. Yeri said it lightly and then brought the water to Lalisa, saying, "Sister, just take a sip."

There was something fishy about her persistence in wanting Lalisa to drink water. Lalisa looked at the glass of water suspiciously, thinking she might have added something.

Lalisa was fed up with the noise at home. She returned to her room and picked up her backpack, ready to leave. Yeri saw that she was about to leave and quickly stopped her. "Did I say something wrong to offend you? I'm here to apologize to you."

"Move aside. I want to go out." Lalisa said it coldly.

When Yeri heard her words, tears immediately flowed down her face. The maid could not tolerate it and rushed over, saying, "You're being too aggressive."

If someone attacked her, Lalisa would fight back. She pushed the maid away and walked downstairs. She did not expect Yeri to stop the maid. The two of them were unstable when they fought. Yeri lost her balance and fell down the stairs. Lalisa pulled her back and prevented her from rolling down.

However, Yeri still sprained her ankle. She sat on the steps and said, "It hurts."

The maid shouted, "Miss, you're such a bully. If you don't want water, just say it. Why did you push Miss?"

"This isn't her fault. It was all my fault. She did not do it on purpose." Yeri stopped the maid.

The maid acted as if she did not hear her words. She turned to the other maids and said, "Hurry up and bring the medicine over."

Yeri decided not to say anything and cried silently, making Lalisa look even more like an evil person.

This tacit performance made Lalisa want to applaud.

It seemed like this maid was speaking for Yeri. She remembered that when she was young, there was a maid who was biased towards Yeri. As long as there was a conflict between them, the maid would side with Yeri in front of others, making people feel that Lalisa was bullying her. She was doing the same thing now.

Lalisa did not intend to reply. Just as the two of them did not know how to continue, someone outside the door shouted, "Fourth Young Master is back!"

When she heard that Bambam had returned, Yeri's tears cried harder. The maid was even more overjoyed. They did not care about Yeri anymore.

The maid left Yeri and ran to the door. She looked like she was looking forward to Bambam's return.

"Fourth Young Master, please save Miss." She said worriedly.

Bambam did not know what had happened, but when he heard the maid say that, he quickly ran upstairs and saw Yeri holding her ankle with tears in her eyes.

"Ri-Ri, did you sprain your ankle?" Bambam reached out to help her.

The maid could not watch it anymore and wanted to say something, but Yeri stopped her. Her actions were so exaggerated that she could not ignore them.

Yeri quickly wiped away the tears on her face and said, "I accidentally lost the balance and fell. I twisted my ankle."

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