Chapter 71: Lies Discovered and More Lies

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Yeri displayed the page to Namjoon after posting her statement. He nodded and advised, "It's good that you recognize your mistakes and take steps to correct them. Be cautious when making friends in the game in the future."

"I understand, Big Brother," Yeri obediently replied.

After leaving the study and returning to her room, she couldn't hide her furious expression. The loss of reputation in the game infuriated her, so she resolved to conceal her in-game identity carefully. She couldn't allow her classmates at school to discover that she was Grassi.

Lalisa had no intention of discussing this incident at school. She had other priorities. However, as soon as Yeri arrived at school, she overheard her classmates discussing the recent match.

Student A initiated the conversation, saying, "Did you all watch the match over the weekend?"

"Of course, I did. Sunflower's gameplay was incredible," Student B responded with enthusiasm. "I wish I could perform like that."

Student C chimed in, sighing, "Reaching Sunflower's level of skill depends on talent. No matter how hard we work, it might not be enough."

"But who is that Grassi player? She had the audacity to use a cheat in 'Future City,"' Student A inquired.

"I'm not sure, but the entire team has been banned. They can only log in and can't complete missions," added Student C.

Student B was taken aback. "So, they won't be able to play 'Future City' ever again?"

"I think that's the case," Student A opined. "Using a cheat device in a situation where everyone is watching is a blatant disregard for the integrity of the game. If it were up to me, I wouldn't allow them to continue playing."

"That Grassi player even issued an apology statement. How shameless," remarked Student B.

Upon hearing these remarks, Yeri tightened her grip on her skirt and lowered her head to conceal her emotions. Although her classmates were unaware that she was the Grassi player, the derogatory comments stung because they were aimed at her.

Seulgi noticed Yeri as she passed by and was taken aback by her unusual silence. She commented, "Are you dead today?"

Yeri suddenly raised her head, her eyes filled with anger. Seulgi, startled, took a couple of steps back. She hastily continued, "I always knew you weren't a good person. It looks like your true colors have been revealed."

Yeri quickly feigned weakness and whispered, "Seulgi, lower your voice. You might disturb the other students in the class."

Seulgi rolled her eyes and retorted, "Stop pretending to be a good person."

With that, she walked over to engage in a discussion about the game. She had also watched the match and had developed a newfound admiration for Sunflower.

The more Yeri listened to their conversation, the more disheartened she felt. Believing that no one knew her in-game identity, she forced a smile and commented, "I watched the match too. Sunflower's skills are truly astonishing. They seem a bit different from their usual style. I wonder if Sunflower was playing alone or if there were others involved."

After uttering these words, she covered her mouth as if she regretted letting something slip.

Her intention was to mislead the others into suspecting that Sunflower might also be cheating. If Sunflower were in trouble, it would potentially implicate everyone else.

The students appeared somewhat uncertain upon hearing Yeri's words, but considering Sunflower's impeccable track record, they dismissed the notion of her using a substitute player.

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