Chapter 21: Buying Clothes

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As the matter was resolved, Lalisa left the room. She had no interest in dealing with the people in this household.

Noticing her departure, Bambam quickly followed her, disregarding Yeri's presence.

Yeri bit her lips as she stood on the spot. The pain in her ankle almost made her lose her expression. Was Bambam going to forgive Lalisa?

"Wait for me." Bambam caught up to Lalisa and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I don't know." Lalisa only wanted to leave the Manobal residence, and there was no need to tell Bambam about her schedule.

Unexpectedly, he said excitedly, "I'll take you shopping for clothes today."

Lalisa was full of doubt. "I don't need clothes."

"What do you mean you don't need? You don't even have clothes for the banquet." Bambam made up his mind to bring Lalisa to buy clothes.

In his opinion, Lalisa must not have the money to buy good clothes for the dinner party dressed like that. As her brother, he could not let this happen again, so he had to bring her to buy clothes.

But Lalisa did not think so. She liked her clothes very much and did not plan to change them. Moreover, she only went to the banquet that day to break off the engagement, so it was fine if she did not wear a gown.

Lalisa continued walking, ignoring Bambam.

However, Bambam did not intend to give up. He kept following behind her, nagging that she had to buy clothes. She did not know how he had so much to say.

Lalisa was annoyed and could only agree to go shopping with him.

Bambam did not drive the motorcycle because they were going to the city center. He chose a car from the garage and opened the door for Lalisa like a gentleman.

Yeri saw this scene from the window and snapped the roses on the windowsill.

However, Bambam did not know. Bambam felt that if he wanted to buy clothes, he had to buy expensive ones. He had enough money to park his car at the luxury mall.

Lalisa recognized these brands and said, "Are you sure you want to buy them here?"

Bambam thought that Lalisa was worried about the money, so he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have money."

Lalisa was not worried about this at all. For her, the most important thing about clothes was practicality. In short, sturdiness was the best, but most luxury goods did not have this advantage.

Other than a few brands that pursued the quality of raw materials, the rest were selling brand names.

However, Bambam insisted on buying it, so she had no choice. She would just buy it and put it in her closet.

Compared to Lalisa's disinterest, Bambam was much more enthusiastic. He immediately addressed the shop attendants, saying, "Please bring out the best clothes that suit her figure."

The luxury store staff knew Bambam. The Fourth Young Master of the Manobal family wanted to buy clothes, so they had to entertain him well.

The staff quickly went around to get clothes and even invited them to sit down and drink tea.

Looking at them busy running around, she knew that Bambam had spent a lot of money in the past. The few shop assistants wished they could install wheels under their feet.

"Let's see which one you like." Bambam pointed at the row in front of him and asked.

Lalisa pointed at the first item and said, "I like this one. Pack it up."

Looking at her impatient face, Bambam could not feel she liked this dress. He could not just let her pick one randomly.

Bambam told the shop assistant, "Bring me all the dark-colored clothes. I'll choose."

Bambam was busy choosing clothes for Lalisa. The shop assistants took turns showing him the clothes for him to decide.

Bambam thought about it carefully and matched a few sets. He told Lalisa, "Go try them on."

Lalisa had to admit that the two were very similar in aesthetics. At least she did not hate the clothes that Bambam matched. There were no cumbersome accessories, and it was very convenient to move around.

After trying a few sets, Lalisa's expression eased up quite a bit. She did not look as impatient as before. She could even make a few poses, looking cute.

Bambam realized this and became complacent. It seemed that his aesthetic taste was still very good. The siblings were happy for the moment.

These clothes were also the style that Bambam liked. Perhaps it was because they were twins, but the two people had the same preferences. This made Bambam feel emotional. Blood ties were indeed something that could not be separated.

Then, Bambam said, "Bring me two dresses for the banquet."

Lalisa quickly stopped him. "I never wear a formal outfit."

"You're already back. Someone will invite you to a banquet. You have to prepare a dress." Bambam refused to give way.

Lalisa was about to retort when her phone suddenly rang. After she picked up the phone, her expression changed drastically. She picked up her backpack and rushed out the door. Bambam could not catch up at all.

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