Chapter 35: Who Is The Younger Sister

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"What did you say? Who gave this coat to whom?" Bambam stood at the door of the classroom and asked.

As soon as he appeared, Seulgi immediately shut up and lowered her head to pretend to be obedient.

In front of Bambam, everyone in the school could only be obedient. He was the person who dominated the school. He was famous for having a bad temper and not being offended.

Moreover, he especially liked to fight. As long as he fought, he would never lose. He showed no fear of confronting grow-ups outside of the school. He could be considered the overlord of all high schools in A City.

He was always training on the playground and rarely went to class. Even the teachers did not care about him. When he walked into the school, others did not even dare to breathe loudly.

He strode into the classroom and asked Lalisa, "Are you alright? Did someone bully you?"

After saying that, he looked at Seulgi, frightening her.

Why was Bambam so concerned about Lalisa? Yeri was his younger sister.

Lalisa shook her head and said, "It's just that someone wants to know who bought my coat."

Bambam understood that the matter must have started with the clothes. Although he did not know the details, he immediately said, "Of course, I bought it for you. I brought you to pick out the clothes personally. This is a gift from a brother to a sister."

Everyone looked at Yeri. Since Bambam said that, it must be true. But Yeri said that Lalisa stole her clothes. What was going on?

Seulgi could not accept this result and shouted, "Yeri said that Lalisa stole this cloth from her. How come it was you who gave it to her? Who's telling the truth?"

In disbelief, Bambam looked at Yeri and said, "Ri-Ri, why did you say that?"

Yeri could not answer such a question. She also did not expect Bambam to buy it for Lalisa. He made it clear that he would never let Lalisa stay at home, but now he brought her out to buy clothes.

She frantically thought about what to say, then immediately burst into tears. She leaned on the table and cried so hard that even Seulgi was stunned.

Seulgi walked over and said, "Ri-Ri, you were the one who told me that she stole your coat, right?"

She wanted to hear Yeri's affirmative answer, but Yeri continued to cry. Seulgi pushed her anxiously and said," Say something."

Seulgi pushed Yeri, and Yeri pretended to fall to the ground and cried, "You asked me if I had this coat, and I said I did. Then, you went to ask my sister. I'm not sure if she took my coat."

Yeri's art of speech once again astounded Lalisa. She could twist the truth out of her mouth. When she was young, she had also used the same specious words to frame the previous Host, pinning all the bad things on the host and making everyone think that the Host was evil.

Seulgi did not expect Yeri to say that. She had gone against Lalisa because of her, so why was Yeri saying there was no such thing now? Did she misunderstand?

Bambam snorted coldly and said, "Did you hear that? Yeri said that Lalisa didn't steal the class. All of you remember this. The eldest daughter of the Manobal family can have whatever she wants. There's no need for her to steal from others."

Seulgi heard Bambam's words and mocked, "The Manobal family treats an illegitimate daughter as a queen. What kind of rule is this?"

Then she pointed at Yeri and said, "This is your biological sister, the rightful eldest daughter of the Manobal family."

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