Chapter 23: The Past

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Mo Li frowned when she heard about the Manobal family. "Money is the most useless thing to the Manobal family. Are they good to you?"

"I've only been back for one day." Lalisa could not lie, so she gave a vague answer.

"They left you in the countryside for so many years and only took you back now. I think there might be a reason. If they don't treat you well, you should come back." Mo Li was adamant.

Lalisa held her hand and smiled, saying, "You are the best to me. As for others, I don't care at all."

Mo Li's heart ached even more at her words.

She was so young but said she did not care about her family. It was obvious how badly her family treated her. Mo Li secretly despised the Manobal family. They did not want a good child just like that.

Back then, if she had not discovered Lalisa, who was struggling to survive, she probably would not have been able to survive.

Lalisa did not overthink. She had inherited the previous host's memories but had no feelings for the previous host's family, so she did not feel anything after returning. After all, to her, these so-called family members were no different from strangers.

She smiled at Mo Li and said, "Don't worry, Godmother. The Manobal family can't do anything to me. Besides, I have other things to do."

Mo Li became more worried than ever, "You're not going to get back at them, are you?"

Mo Li knew that Lalisa had no feelings for the Manobal family and would sometimes say some harsh words, but she was still the biological daughter of the Manobal family. Mo Li did not want her to get into a fight with her family.

Lalisa became anxious. It seemed to be the feelings left behind by the original owner. At that time, the previous host was under the control of drugs. Her heart was filled with revenge, and she was not reluctant to part with her family.

However, this was also a good thing for Lalisa. She would not be dependent on her family in this way.

She knew this violent emotion would only disappear by avenging the previous host. It was like the price of being reborn in the previous host's body.

Mo Li knew she was determined to take revenge when she saw that she was silent.

She sighed and said, "You are blood relatives of the Manobal family. As long as you talk things out, you're still family. The future is the most important."

These words might be useful to persuade others, but Lalisa would never listen.

She had to exact her revenge if she wanted to be free of the emotional bonds that held her. Moreover, her hatred was not directed at the previous host's family.

"Godmother, do you still remember what happened to me?" Lalisa asked.

Mo Li said with a pained expression, "Not everything. I only know that I went out to town that day. I didn't go far when I saw you lying on the road. Your hands were covered in blood, and I didn't know how long you had crawled. You were still alive, so I took you home for treatment. Because I didn't have the money to go to the hospital, I thought you couldn't survive. I didn't expect you to open your eyes."

At this point, Mo Li started to cry. Lalisa also felt wrong, as if she had a heart full of grievances that no one could hear.

The previous host was banished to the countryside, but judging from Manobal Kai's behavior upon her return, it appeared that her survival was justified.

Perhaps the Manobal family did not just send her over. They should have made other preparations.

However, nobody came to help, resulting in the previous host's death because no one was there to take care of her. Moreover, the Manobal family had been indifferent to the previous host for so many years, which was completely different from the memories the previous host had in her mind.

Although her family was troubled by the previous host's arrogant and domineering attitude, they were still tolerant of her. Therefore, after she disappeared for two years, the Manobal family did not have any reaction.

They would not find it strange if they told her that Lalisa was dead when she returned to the Manobal family. However, they acted as if they had never known.

Moreover, her disappearance did not make sense. Yongping Village was located remote, and very few outsiders came. Why was she mysteriously taken away?

Looking at Lalisa's silent expression, Mo Li sighed and surprisedly said, "I can smell lilies."

"It's lilies." Lalisa explained, "I asked the hospital to put lilies in the room, just like when we were home."

Mo Li smiled. "With my little Lily here, anywhere is home."

When Mo Li was in Yongping Village, she liked to plant flowers. Most of the plants she grew were lilies, so she used Lily as Lalisa's nickname to show that Lalisa was her favorite child.

Lalisa snuggled into Mo Li's arms and felt her caress. Molly sighed, "If only I could still hear you playing the violin."

Lalisa stood up and said, "Wait a moment."

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