Chapter 33: Hello Teacher

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The classroom fell silent after she finished her words. Then, there was laughter, especially from the girl who was thrown out. She laughed and said, "You're a teacher? Are you crazy?"

The other students also thought that Lalisa was crazy. She looked about the same age as them, so how could she dare say she was a teacher?

Yeri was also puzzled about why Lalisa would say something like that. She wiped her tears and said, "Sister, did something happen to you? You're just a little older than me. How can you be a teacher? Besides, have you finished middle school?"

She had never heard of Lalisa attending school. She had probably dropped out of school long ago to farm in the countryside.

Now that she had used some unknown method to enter the school, she must have gone crazy.

After all, Yeri was enjoying a rich life as a daughter of the Song family. But Lalisa lived a difficult life in the countryside. She could not stand it even more when she came to school, so she was likely mentally unstable from the blow.

The others laughed after hearing, "A village girl who didn't even finish middle school wants to be our teacher? What a joke."

"What are you doing?" The principal's voice came from the door.

He quickly walked over and said with a straight face, "The bell has already rung twice. Why aren't you attending class properly?"

Although most of the students in this class were from rich families, the principal was also famous in the education world. In addition, he had educational connections abroad, so the students did not dare to be presumptuous in front of him.

After all, no matter how dorky a rich kid was, they had to have a decent degree. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing for the family.

They all quieted down. Then, the class monitor stood up and said, "We saw that someone was pretending to be a teacher, so we didn't sit properly."

"What do you mean by pretending to be a teacher?" The principal asked in confusion.

He looked around and saw that only Lalisa was standing on the podium. He quickly walked over with a pleasant expression and said, "Teacher Manobal, sorry for the trouble. The children are undisciplined. Please take care of them."

He did not expect the students to embarrass him so much. In front of Lalisa, he had just said that the school had a high-quality education, and now these students did not listen to her words. They did not show the slightest bit of respect for their teachers.

Feeling embarrassed, the principal's expression became even worse. He glanced around coldly and said, "The new teacher is here. Why are you making a scene here instead of performing well? Even if you go abroad to study, you probably won't have much of a future. Hurry up, stand up, and greet the teacher."

Everyone in the classroom widened their eyes. They were shocked but could only stand up obediently, bow to Lalisa, and say, "Hello, teacher."

After the principal scolded them, he looked at Lalisa with a different expression. He smiled gently and said respectfully, "I greatly admire Teacher Manobal. It's a waste of your talent to have you teach high school children. Teach them more, and they will learn it."

Lalisa smiled and said, "Principal, that's very polite of you. I'll teach them well."

When she said the word teaching, she looked at everyone.

The pressure from their teacher made them shudder.

It was unbelievable that Lalisa was their teacher, but didn't Yeri say she didn't finish middle school?

The girl conflicted with Lalisa stood up and asked, "Principal, she didn't even finish high school. How can she be our teacher?"

The principal looked puzzled, "Who told you that Ms. Manobal didn't finish middle school? She is famous in the European academic industry. Many people failed to invite her as a teacher. You have to seize the opportunity. Don't let Ms. Manobal be ashamed of you in the future."

These words were very serious, but the principal's heart was filled with the joy of snatching a talent. He definitely could not allow the student's anger to anger Lalisa. If Lalisa went to another school, he would wake up angrily.

The principal left after saying that, but everyone was silent. Yeri even covered her mouth, which was wide open from shock.

How could Lalisa be a teacher?

The principal claimed that she was well-known in Europe. But could she have been lying to impress others?

Yeri felt embarrassed after stating that Lalisa had not completed middle school. She attempted to shrink into the background by lowering her head and minimizing her presence.

However, the girl who defended her was dissatisfied. She approached Yeri and asked, "Do you know who Lalisa is? She's a teacher. How could you not know that?"

"Kang Seulgi," Yeri pleaded while saying, "My sister has only recently returned home, so I'm unsure about her background."

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