Chapter 50: Rescue

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Lalisa responded with a feigned smile, saying, "Good evening, Mr. Jeon."

After that, she promptly returned to her seat in the middle of the room. Her greeting was courteous, but it was a perfunctory gesture given Jeon Hai's status as Jungkook's relative, not her own.

Jeon Hai hadn't anticipated such a reaction from Lalisa. Most young women who aspired to be with Jungkook would attempt to ingratiate themselves with him. Unaware of the intricacies within the Jeon Family, they believed that Jeon Hai enjoyed a close relationship with Jungkook.

Lalisa's response left Jeon Hai contemplating two possibilities. Either Lalisa was well-acquainted with the Jeon Family's dynamics, or she simply wasn't interested in Jungkook. Jeon Hai hoped for the latter, recognizing the potential benefits of a union between Jungkook and the Manobal Family's eldest daughter.

Regarding the rumors surrounding Lalisa, Jeon Hai didn't take them seriously. In prominent families, blood ties held greater significance than anything else. No matter how remarkable an outsider might be, they could never surpass the bonds of family. Despite the friction between him and Jungkook, Jeon Hai had no desire to become the subject of ridicule among outsiders.

As long as Lalisa remained within the Manobal family, it was only a matter of time before she was accepted by her relatives. Blood ties were powerful, and being siblings with the same parents would eventually lead to reconciliation.

Standing beside Namjoon, Yeri observed the scene upstairs with curiosity. She leaned closer to her older brother and asked, "Big Brother, I never expected Sister to know Jungkook. I've heard that Jungkook's schedule is incredibly secretive. Even private detectives struggle to locate him. How did they meet?"

Yeri, while cautious in her approach, didn't press the question further. Namjoon, though finding her words somewhat brusque, understood the importance of the inquiry. How had Lalisa become acquainted with Jungkook?

He gazed at Lalisa from below and began to notice a distinctive aura of authority about her.

This commanding presence was a trait rarely seen in affluent young ladies and was typically associated with people who held significant power and were accustomed to giving orders.

Lalisa noticed Namjoon's gaze from below, and they locked eyes for a moment.

Bambam followed her gaze and smiled. "It's Big Brother. I'll go greet him first."

After that, he hurried downstairs, leaving Lalisa behind. He believed that Lalisa, who had been invited to the second floor by Jungkook, wouldn't easily come down.

With Bambam gone, Jeon Hai's curiosity got the better of him. He wore a knowing smile and asked, "Miss Manobal, I'm curious when you first met Jungkook. It's quite unusual for him to extend a personal invitation to a young lady like this."

Lalisa's patience was running thin. She offered a perfunctory smile and replied, "You'll have to inquire with Jungkook about that. I don't recall the details."

Lalisa wasn't here to enjoy herself. Her mission was to return the Buddhist beads, which she could sense held significant importance to Jungkook. Once she returned it, her mission would be fulfilled.

Jeon Hai's sharp eyes caught the Buddhist beads on Lalisa's wrist. He hadn't expected Jungkook to give such an item. He quickly commented, "The Buddhist beads on Miss Manobal's wrist must be a gift from Jungkook. He treasures those beads and carries them with him every day. It's evident how important you are to him."

Lalisa glanced at her wrist, observing the Buddhist beads, and offered a smile. "Mr. Jeon has quite the sense of humor. If he can give these to me so casually, they can't be that valuable."

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