Chapter 2: The Person Being Hunted

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The follower ran towards Lalisa to attack her. But she easily dodged his attack by slightly leaning to the side. At the same time, she lifted her leg to trip him, causing the follower to fly out of inertia and fall directly with a face full of blood.

The follower rose to his feet. His fist was clenched and ready to strike. However, Lalisa swiftly intervened, grabbing his hand and forcing it downwards. The follower let out a piercing scream, indicating that his hand had been dislocated. He fell to his knees, writhing in agony.

Before Bambam could react, he saw Lalisa rushing at a ridiculously fast speed.

The next second, Bambam was punched and flew out, lying on the ground, making the same sound as his follower. It was too painful.

The followers witnessed how he flew out and quickly ran over to help Bambam.

Lalisa looked at them coldly. She turned around and left without looking back. She did not need to waste time on Bambam. In her eyes, he was nothing but a fool.

Bambam did not believe that Lalisa would be able to beat him up. When he was young, he had always bullied her, and she did not dare to fight back. Now, she could send him flying with one punch.

As a school bully, Bambam felt very embarrassed. He looked at his followers fiercely and said, "None of you can say anything about this. Just pretend you never saw Lalisa today."

They nodded again and again and then helped Bambam back to school.

The driver left Lalisa in an alley behind the school. She dragged her suitcase through the alley and planned to take a taxi to the Manobal Family's residence.

Just as she stepped out of the alley, she heard a muffled sound.

Lalisa was very familiar with this sound. After installing a silencer, a gun would sound like this.

The sound of footsteps got closer and closer. Lalisa threw the suitcase aside and instantly hid behind the trash can.

A group of people with guns in their hands were looking for someone. Just as they were about to find Lalisa, a man in a suit ran out from another alley. The group of people immediately chased after him.

Lalisa did not expect that they would kill someone in the daylight. She did not want to get involved, so she pulled her suitcase and was about to leave.

When she walked past an alley, she saw blood.

She followed the trail of blood and found a man lying in the corner.

The man looked like he was in his twenties. His wound was still bleeding, and his white shirt had long been stained red with blood. If she were left alone, he would die from excessive blood loss sooner or later.

Lalisa quickly walked over and took medicine from the suitcase to feed him.

This medicine could quickly stop the bleeding and save his life, but the bullet in his body still needed to be removed.

After everything was done, she took a closer look at him. Despite his sorry state, the man before her was strikingly handsome and unique. His skin was fairer than hers, and she could tell he was of mixed heritage.

Lalisa had laid eyes on numerous handsome men, yet she was left speechless for a few moments upon seeing him.

She never imagined that such a breathtakingly beautiful man could exist in this world.

At the same time, her high-speed brain provided her with information. She had seen this person in the intelligence report. He was the heir of the Jeon family, the head of the aristocratic family in the city, Jeon Jungkook.

He was from the upper class, the famous crown prince of the city. Why would he be here?

Thinking of the man who ran out before her, he should be stalling for time for her, right?

A man who could use guns in A City must be powerful.

It seemed that many people were hunting her down.

Lalisa planned to drag him out, at least away from this dangerous place. However, a hard object pressed against the back of her head before she could move.

"I advise you not to touch him."

Someone was threatening her with a gun.

Lalisa realized it and raised her hands to pretend to surrender. Then, she quickly turned around and grabbed the man's wrist. She crushed his wrist and took the gun.

Lalisa pointed at the man's head and said, "I hate it when someone points a gun at me."

After saying that, she pulled the trigger.

At this time, being kind to the enemy was being cruel to herself. She would not make such a stupid mistake.

Jeon Jungkook was very sensitive to the sound of the silencer. He tried hard to open his eyes and saw the girl standing before him.

Lalisa put down the gun and turned around. Her white-skinned fingers held the cold gun. Her soft and slender hand pulled the trigger without hesitation, shooting the person chasing him in the head. The strong contrast left a deep impression on Jungkook's heart.

As Jungkook opened his eyes, Lalisa said, "You're awake. Let's leave here."

After she finished speaking, she reached out to help him up and dragged Jungkook away quickly.

When they were far from the place, Lalisa placed Jungkook in a hidden place and started tearing his shirt.

Lalisa's suitcase had a full set of surgical tools. She disinfected the tools briefly and said, "I didn't bring any anesthetics. Bear with it."

Jungkook nodded and gritted his teeth.

Seeing that he was ready, Lalisa decisively made the incision. It was fast and steady. Her movements were fast and clean, from removing the bullet to suturing the wound. She had done it many times.

Jungkook endured the pain without saying a word.

He had been staring at Lalisa the entire time. Even though his vision was blurry from the pain, he did not close his eyes.

The girl in front of him had snow-white skin and an indifferent expression. There was no trace of makeup on her face, but she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her eyes were as deep and mysterious as the ocean, making people want to know more about her.

"What's your name?" Jungkook looked at Lalisa and asked.

Lalisa placed the medical tape on Jungkook's abdomen and turned around with her suitcase, "My name is not important."

His extraordinary endurance had surprised Lalisa. Lalisa realized his life was no longer in danger, so she left directly, leaving him to look at her back.

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