Chapter 55: Bananamilkandkookies

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The staff rushed in a state of panic and promptly began scrutinizing the photographs on their inventory list. Yugeom, on the other hand, headed straight for the core area, where the most valuable treasures were housed.

Upon entering, his gaze immediately locked onto the Tears of the Ocean, positioned in the center of the room. He approached it, unable to believe his eyes. This item had undeniably been taken by Tu Mi. Why was it here now?

Beneath the Tears of the Ocean lay a note bearing words, "The perfect jade is returned to you now."

Logically, he should have been relieved that the item was back in his possession, sparing him from the need to repay Jungkook. However, Yugeom found himself nearly consumed by anger. He angrily tore the note in his hand and exclaimed, "Tu Mi is taunting me!"

Word of this development swiftly reached Jungkook's ears. He remarked, "Yugeom was the one who insisted on issuing that challenge letter. In the end, he's the one who was embarrassed."

Euwnoo looked at Jungkook and remarked, "But Mr. Xu was already in a very embarrassing position before. Returning the items this time is no different from a direct slap to his face."

"He can only blame himself. I never intended to pursue the matter of the White Jade Guanyin. It was his insistence on seeking revenge for me," Jungkook remarked, unmoved by the situation.

Eunwoo wasn't surprised by his young master's response. He sighed and commented, "I'm afraid everyone among Mr. Xu's acquaintances will learn about his embarrassment now."

The term "everyone" referred to Jungkook's close friends. The news of the MD building's incident wouldn't spread to the wider public. Only the founding members would be privy to what occurred within the building initially.

Unknown to outsiders, the MD building had originated as the brainchild of a group of young people. Jungkook had also contributed to the building's design, given that these youngsters were all his friends.

Later on, they secured financial support from their respective families to turn their ideas into a reality. Consequently, outsiders believed that several major conglomerates had founded the MD building, unaware of the existence of its true founders.

When Park Chanyeol learned of this, he was almost tempted to burst into laughter. He remarked, "Yugeom, who would have thought the building would allow people to enter and exit so easily?

They took the Tears of the Ocean away just like that, and now they're returning it just as easily. If this gets out, it'll be a stain on the MD building's reputation." Chanyeol laughed.

 "Could you please stop laughing? We founded this building together, and we'll be embarrassed together," Yugeom retorted angrily.

"It's not the same. In the eyes of outsiders, you're the sole manager of the building. If you want to bring embarrassment upon yourself, that's your prerogative," Jinyoung, seated on the other side, nonchalantly swirled his wine glass.

Yugeom's anger flared to the point that he stood up. "This building represents the hard work and dedication of all of us. Aren't you upset that it's come to this?"

"Getting angry won't change anything. You can't defend against a thief of this caliber. If you hadn't provoked him, this wouldn't have happened," remarked a man in a biker suit who had just entered.

Having spoken his piece, he took a seat on the sofa and poured himself a glass of wine.

Yugeom remained agitated. "Choi Youngjae, please stop making sarcastic remarks. I did this to seek justice for Jungkook. Who would've thought Tu Mi would be so scary?"

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