Chapter 72: Mercenaries

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Before taking this drastic step, Yeri didn't even discuss it with her mother. She couldn't wait any longer. She had to eliminate Lalisa immediately.

She didn't bother looking for the person who had posted the message, nor did she intend to delete it. Once everyone had seen it, deleting it would serve no purpose. The carefully maintained image she had cultivated over time had been shattered.

She feared that Namjoon and Bambam might disown her. Lately, they had been growing closer to Lalisa while becoming more distant from her. They no longer pampered her as they used to.

Her only chance to secure a prominent place in the Manobal family was if Lalisa were out of the picture. By that time, she could use the sadness of them and be the only daughter of the Manobal Family.

Yeri knew that Lalisa typically left school for lunch every day because she disliked the cafeteria food. This was the ideal time to strike.

The people she had hired had been surveilling Lalisa's movements for a while, preparing to execute a single, lethal blow. Even though they were acting hastily today, Yeri had promised to pay them more, so they had not made any specific arrangements.

Yeri deliberately concealed herself in an alley, eagerly awaiting Lalisa's arrival. She was determined to witness Lalisa's demise with her own eyes to ensure her peace of mind.

After a short wait, she spotted Lalisa entering from the alley. Lalisa was engrossed in her phone and was not paying attention to her surroundings.

Yeri smiled, confident that Lalisa would not see it coming. She had contacted a renowned mercenary group, often tasked with missions to eliminate politicians.

As Lalisa approached, it seemed as though her full attention was on her phone. However, the moment she entered the alley, she sensed the presence of others – many individuals with murderous intentions.

Yet, she did not flee and continued moving forward, still absorbed in reading the comments on the school forum. Some individuals had already discovered that Eric was a minor boss and had even uncovered the name of Eric's company online.

Just as Lalisa reached the middle of the alley, several figures suddenly lunged at her, brandishing short knives with the intent to kill her.

Lalisa agilely pivoted and evaded the attack. She even stashed her phone in her pocket. Her movements were seamless and fluid, showing no signs of hesitation.

The mercenaries realized that Lalisa had detected them from the beginning but had pretended to be oblivious. They dared not to stop and quickly made another attempt to attack her, wary of giving Lalisa an opportunity to attack.

However, Lalisa's combat skills exceeded their expectations. Even without any weapons, she could hold her own against them and seemed to be deliberately holding back her full strength.

In fact, Lalisa was not exerting her full power. She wanted to gauge the mercenaries' skills to understand their level better.

She was attempting to deduce who had hired these individuals. Many people were willing to pay handsomely to have her eliminated, but they would not have known that she was in A City. Thus, only one possibility remained.

Lalisa kicked one of the mercenaries far away and spotted Yeri cowering in the corner of the alley. She sneered and said, "So it's you."

Yeri hadn't anticipated being discovered, and her entire body froze. She knew that Lalisa was powerful, but she hadn't expected her to defeat mercenaries. If Lalisa intended to kill her, she could do so now.

"Come and save me. If I die, you won't get a single cent," Yeri shouted.

The mercenaries swiftly rushed forward, brandishing their knives. Lalisa dodged with a movement that seemed almost superhuman. Then, she launched herself into the air, kicking away the knives of these three assailants. The force behind her kick exceeded the capabilities of even the most powerful mercenaries.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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