> Holding Hands <

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The couple of one year, sat down on the couch in their now shared house cuddled up together. Aleks was sat in between James's legs, flush against his chest. This was one of the few moments they show affection in a lovey couple way. All the other times it would be playful fights or friendly name calling, which was usually in front of their friends or coworkers. But for this unusual couple, they only showed a more intimate relation when in the privacy of their own home. 

Aleks sighed calmly and moved his head closer to James neck. "I love you James." Aleks mumbled quietly.  After hearing this James smiled fondly at the younger boy in his arms. He would never get tired of hearing those words come out of his lover's mouth. Aleks was James's and he could never be happier.  James lowered his head down to place a gentle kiss on the top of Aleks's head. 

"I love you more, Leks." Aleks grinned widely and looked back at the Tv where some kids TV show was play. Neither of them were really watching it but wanted too keep it on for background noise.  James removed one of his hands from around Aleks's waist and lifted it up to place his index finger and thumb on Aleks's chin and tilted his face upwards. 

James leaded down to place a gentle kiss on his boyfriend's lips. Aleks immediately kissed back, pushing his lips harder against James. James was quick to react and placed his other hand behind Aleks's neck to deepen the kiss even more. 

Aleks felt butterflies erupt in his stomach. He placed his hands around James's neck and switched his position to where he was placed on James's lap, straddling his waist. James moved his hands down to Aleks's hips. Their heated moment was interrupted by Ein, James's dog, letting out a high pitched bark, then jumping on the couch and wiggling her way in between her two owners.

James and Aleks pulled apart and smiled at the little corgi dog who was panting and wiggling happily in between them. "Hey girl, What do you need?" Ein yipped and dashed from her spot in between the lovers, to the back door and danced impatiently in front of it. When none of her owners made a fast movement to get up she ran back and forth from the door and then back to the couch. 

Aleks giggled and removed himself from James's lap. He climbed off, being careful of the dog below him, and followed her to the back door. He stopped and gave James a smile. 

"Well come on. Get up asshole, Ein wants to go outside and you know I don't like going outside in the dark by myself." Aleks put a hand on his hip in a sassy way, one hand on his his hip, popped out to the side. 

James sighed and lifted himself up, and followed Aleks to the back door. Once the door was opened the overly excited dog sprinted out and ran around a few time then stopped to sniff around. Aleks smiled at the dog and moved out onto the deck that looked out into their garden. It was a lovely night in Colorado. The starts were shinning and a cold breeze was present. 

James followed out behind and took a deep breath, then exhaled deeply, smelling the night air. Aleks stood with the moonlight highlighting his face and making his eyes sparkle. He lent against the rail and crossed his arms with a small smile on his face. 

James walked up behind his boyfriend and placed his arms tightly around Aleks's waist and put his face in his neck. He placed a small kiss on his shoulder and then rested his forehead down on Aleks's head. James being taller then his boyfriend, loved being able to hold Aleks. It was something they did often. Surprisingly Aleks never complained about not being able to be the "man" in the relationship. But the Creatures and the couple, though Aleks would never admit it but did indeed know and love it, that he defiantly took the female role and James to the more manly role. 

The younger of the two lent back, to press himself more into James. The heat James radiated kept Aleks's small body warm. Both sighed happily and watched silently as Ein ran around. Both were in pure bliss, but then again the always felt that was around each other. 

James pulled away and grabbed Aleks's hand and lightly tugged him towards the door. "Ein! come on. Back inside." James raised his voice so Ein would come. Once Ein was in the house the two boys followed, James pulling Aleks along, not letting go of his hand. 

They decided it was time to head to bed. Aleks and Ein both followed behind James as he led both to the bedroom they now shared. 

James and Aleks began to strip down to their boxers and climbed into the bed. Once in bed Aleks began to curl up next to James, witch is something he wold always do unless James was holding him. Ein let out a deep breath as she curled up at the edge of the bed at her owners feet. 

James soon relaxed and had closed his eye but sill was not asleep. Aleks stared a his boyfriend, then to his lips, then at the hand that rested next to his own. 

"James?" When hearing his boyfriends voice, he opened his eyes and gave a soft smile and nodded for Aleks to continue. Aleks grabbed a hold of James hand, tangling them together. 

"I like holding your hand. it makes me feel safe and happy." Aleks mumbled. Jame chuckled and grabbed the smaller boy and pulled him closer, still keeping their hands entangled. Aleks nuzzled his head into James neck, and inhaled deeply. Aleks let his eyes drift close and listened to the beating of James's heart. 

The couple then fell asleep with smiles on their faces and hands wrapped together, in a perfect fit. 

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