> Satisfied Pt.2 <

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TangoLikesReading asked for a part two of the Satisfied chapter. Fair warning, this one will be just as upsetting and not end happily. Again, this is based on what actually happened in the Hamilton play. Sorry that this is actually horrendous.


Aleks was dating someone now. The man was a friend of James' and they met on Jordan's and James' wedding night.

As Aleks sobbed into his hands, a brown haired man took a seat next to him. When Aleks looked up, he could fully see the mans face. He wore a pair of black rimmed glasses that surrounded his bright green eyes. Light freckles scattered around his nose and under his eyes. The outfit he wore complemented his figure well. A white dress shirt, covered by a black vest and a white bow tie encased his neck.

"Are you okay?" A deep voice spoke quietly. Aleks looked him I the eyes and shook his head no. The man gave him a weak smile.

"My name is Ryan. Ryan Terry." Aleks gave him a wobbling smile and held out his hand.

"Aleksandr Mathewson." He smiled.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful man." Ryan said, taking Aleks hand and wiping his tear stained cheeks with his free hand.

Two years after his brothers wedding, they were together. Aleks was happy. He learned to ignore the feeling that popped up whenever James called of texted him. He knew deep down he could never love anyone as much as he loved James, but Ryan helped him forget and kept him stable.

Four years after his brothers wedding, James and Jordan adopted a little boy named Noah. When Aleks and Noah met, Jordan told him he looked so much like him and they had similar personalities, that they had to have him. They loved the seven year old boy unconditionally.

Aleks soon loved and cared for Noah as if it were his own child and spoiled him relentlessly. Jordan and James were happy and Aleks was as well.

Then it happened. Aleks' happy little world crashed and burned and it started with a call.

Aleks was laying on the couch with Ryan. He wore a tight pair of jeans and one of Ryan's larger sweaters. The Russian was cuddled into his boyfriends side, when his phone started ringing. He immediately answered it when he seen the caller ID. Jordan's name flashed across the screen as Aleks pressed the device to his ear.

"Hello? Jordan?"

The soul wracking sobs that came from the other end were heart breaking. Aleks grew worried.

"Jordan, love? What's wrong? Where are you?" Aleks breathed out in a rushed voice. He could hear Jordan trying to speak, struggling to get the words out past his tears. 

"Home. Please come." Jordan managed to sob out the words before hanging up. Aleks shot up from the couch yelling for Ryan to get ready. His boyfriend noticed his clear anxiety and got them there as soon as possible.

When they called into the house, the sound of harsh sobs became clear. The pair ran into the living room, and were met with Jordan who was on the floor. His knees were pulled to his chest and his arms were wrapped around them.

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