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Upset and hurt Aleks. Stefani and Jordan fighting with James. Still counts as them arguing. 


Aleks lent against the brick wall of the school as he waited along side his friends for his boyfriend to arrive.

The group of friend were all seniors and the year was only a few months in. Over the long years they've known each other (they being: Jordan, Stefani,  Spencer, Eddie, Seamus, Dan, Kevin, Joe, James and Aleks) Jordan and Stefani have been dating for the last year, while Seamus and Eddie have been dating since freshman year. On the other hand, James and Aleks have been dating for the last two years.

Everyone except James and Stefani, are known for being 'Geeks' or 'Nerds' while James, who was the caption of the football team and Stefani who was quite popular and had tons of boys and girls who wanted her for themselves, but no matter what, she stayed loyal to Jordan.

Some girls questioned why she would date someone 'like him' when she could have any boy she wants. She always just shrugged it off or when she was in a bad mood and got defensive, well trust me. You wouldn't want to be near her. James got questioned a lot by the teams on why he would be their friends, but like Stefani he shrugged it off. 

James knew half of the team was homophobic so he and Aleks still haven't come out yet. Aleks tells him all the time he will wait as long as he needs, but now it was pointless, they were leaving in a year and its already been two.

Aleks began to think about what it would be like to be able to show James affection when at school. He watched from afar as other couples kissed and hugged when walking by. Seamus and Eddie were out and no one really cared, so why did it matter to James so much? 

Aleks couldn't answer that even if he tried. Aleks was taken out of his thoughts by James calling out to the group with a wide smiled on his face. A few hugs were exchanged and they headed off to their first class.

Aleks, James, Jordan and Stefani all had PE first period. (Modeling this after my own high school and schedule) The boys walked Stefani to the girls locker room and then headed to the large gym so they could enter the boys locker room.

Jordan, Aleks and James headed over to the back of the room where no one really got dressed. James made Aleks move back here with him when James noticed Aleks get checked out by one of the juniors. James being the possessive boyfriend he his, had Aleks move places.

Aleks was the first to leave the room. He sat down in the same area he and the others sat everyday. Next to arrive was Stefani. She had an angry look in her face as she sat in Aleks' lap. She huffed and crossed her arms and leaned against him.

"Is there a problem princess?" Aleks said laughing slightly at her behavior.
He slid his hands around her waist and looked at her.

"I swear if they make one more comment on how I'm dating a nerd or how I'm friends with 'faggots' I'm going to slam her face into the lockers." Stefani let out a loud groan, closed her eyes and rested her head on Aleks' chest.

When Jordan and James came over to them James took a seat next to Aleks. Jordan glanced over at his girlfriend. He had no problem with the way she and Aleks were sitting, knowing that Aleks was fully gay and nothing would go on between them.

Stefani smiled when she noticed her boyfriend. She slipped out of his lap and slid over to Jordan.

Thirty minutes later the coaches finally arrived and made them run laps around the track. After that the trio, minus James, who had to run laps for practice all the time, were exhausted. Aleks may have been on the track team but even he got really tired when PE was your first class. 

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