> The Bad Boy and The Nerd (Part 1) <

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Of course it was the talk of the school. Its not everyday the school's hottest bad boy literally picks up and throws the schools biggest nerd over his shoulder and threatens that he will beat the shit out of anyone who follows them.

Aleks' friends watched as their little Russian was taken out of the school. It wasn't until the only female of the group slapped all seven of them in the head and began to scream about how leaving there friend with 'Wilson' a 'No-good, dirty stupid, man whore.' and charged after the pair, fuming.

What Stef didn't expect to see was her friend pushed against the wall, the smaller males legs wrapped around the older's waist, with his arms wrapped around Wilson's neck; clearly not in any danger. Don't even ask her about the obscure noises her friend was making as the schools Bad Boy proved her innocent 'baby' was not so innocent.

"James Fucking Wilson! Put my baby down now! If you don't, so help me I will rip you to pieces!!" The young woman screeched, making James flinch and drop the small boy on the floor. Aleks groaned out in pain and James jumped back as Stefani came charging towards him.

"Sorry babe. Didn't mean to drop you. And as for you little lady, why would you interrupt such a nice time?" James asked with his hands on his hips.

Stefani ignored him and helped her best friend up. Once he was safely on his own feet, she began to slap him repeatedly. Aleks lifted his arms to protect his head. James reached out and held the angry woman's wrists.

"Can you please stop hitting my boyfriend?" James asked nicely.

"James!" Aleks wined, stomping his foot like a child. "You weren't supposed to say anything."

"Boyfriend? Wilson is your fucking boyfriend?" Stefani said angrily.

"Come on Stef. Lets go talk. As for you," Aleks said pointing at James "I will see you later. I'll come over to your house."

Aleks linked his arm with the angry woman and led her to his own house, now that the day was over.


Aleks friends crowed around his living room as he began to explain the James was not as bad as they think. He went on to tell them how James had seen him walking alone when it was dark out and walked him home an that was the first time he had seen the real James.

"Honestly. He's not that bad guys. I mean come on, would I date him if I thought he was that bad? I'm sorry for not telling you, but I didn't want you guys to be angry because you don't know him like I do." Aleks said, voice getting smaller and smaller the more he spoke.

"Oh Aleks. We believe you, it will just take some getting used too." Jordan said with a small smile on his face.

"If I may interrupt? How long have you been dating him exactly?" Joe asked him. Aleks began to blush a scarlet red.

"A year and a half?" Aleks mumbled. He held his hands folded on his lap while starring down at them.

"You hid this from us for a year and a half?" Spencer exclaimed, completely confused about how his friend could have hid something like this.

Aleks apologized once again, with a sad smile on his face.

"Sorry guys. I didn't mean to make you upset."

"Its fine but I'm pretty sure we have a few questions for you." Dex said.


An hour later Aleks was left alone as his friends returned to their own homes after a lot of questions. A few minutes later Aleks found himself in James' bed as said man was downstairs talking to his mother about something real quick.

Aleks glanced towards the door as James walked through, leather jacket and all. James grinned at him but his smile faltered when the younger didn't reply. James crawled into the bed and pulled Aleks into his lap.

The Russian let his head fall onto his lovers chest and let out a shaky sigh.

"Whats wrong love? I suppose they didn't take it too well?" James asked, running a hand through Aleks' long, soft hair. Aleks nodded in reply. James took this time to take in his lovers appearance. Still wearing his usual khaki pants, white button-up shirt, James noticed that he vest he normally wore was abandoned on James' desk.

"Are you staying here for the night?" James asked the younger male in his arms.

"If I may." Aleks said.

"Your always allowed to Aleks. Always." James leaned down to place a kiss on Aleks' pink lips. Aleks lifted his head up and pressed his lips against James' harder. He shifted positions so he was sitting on James' lap, straddling his waist. The older slid his hands around the man on his lap, and pulled them closer. Aleks tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss.

"If your friends could see you now. What would they think of their little baby making out with the schools Bad Boy?" James spoke in between kisses.

Aleks shuddered as James moved his kisses down to Aleks' neck. He left a trail down from his jaw line to his collar bone. James began to bite on a spot down under Aleks' ear, making sure to leave a dark purple bruise, marking Aleks as his. The Russian let put a gasp and a high pitched moan, arching upwards.

"James, James, I think its only fair that if you get to put stupid hickies on me then I can put a few on you." Aleks said. James laughed loudly, but tilted his head to the side anyways letting his boyfriend do the same.


The pair could hear the whispers, the giggles, and the confusion as they walked down the school hallway together. James had an arm protectively wrapped around Aleks, head held high and large smirk present on his face. Aleks was the opposite. Looking down and shying away from the affection.

The senior boys walked to their lockers, greeted by a few of Aleks' friends. The smaller male was pulled away from James by Stefani. She gave him a quick hug and pecked his cheek then turned to open their shared locker.

"Oh! Aleks has hickies on his neck! Wow mate! Get some." Dex shouted out excitedly. Aleks let out a groaned and hid his face in James' chest. A few laughs were heard as James wrapped an arm around Aleks' waist bringing him closer.

"Oh shut up guys." Aleks muttered.

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