> Satisfied <

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(Based on 'Satisfied' from Hamilton. Kind of like a song fic, I don't own the song. In this case its a modern time. No Youtube. Both James' and Aleks' + Jordan's family are major computer/tech/gaming companies. Italics is a flashback.)


"Alright, Alright! Give it up for the best man! Aleksandr Mathewson, brother and best friend!" Aleks walked up to the stage, champagne glass in his left hand. He grabbed the mic with his right hand from Eddie who was grinning with tears in his eyes after the speech he had just given. 

Aleks took his place in the middle of the stage, lights shining down on him. His eyes roamed over the crowd of family, friends, and a couple people he didn't know. He locked eyes with the newlyweds. 

Jordan; his step brother. The Mathewson's adopted him when he was eight, and since then they were inseparable. He loved Jordan more than anything in the world and would do anything for him. 

James, the man he's loved since they met at that stupid company ball six years ago. The man his brother married today. The man that was so happy and in love with Jordan, and not him. 

"First of all, A toast to the newlyweds!-" Aleks raised his glass, everyone in the room following. "From your brother and friend, who will always be on your side! To James, and to Jordan! To our now united families and the hope that you provide! That you will always be satisfied, and never stop loving each other." Aleks paused, before continuing. 

He remembered that day. He may just regret that day for the rest of his life. He was dragged along to another of his foster parents monthly company balls. He was dressed up in a pair of black dress pants, a white dress shirt, and a maroon vest. Everything he wore was tailored to fit him perfectly. 

The black bow-tie around his neck just completed the outfit. His hair was styled to perfection. He conversed with a few members of the Mathewson Company, when the arrival of the Wilson's was announced.

His eyes were drawn to James. The single child and heir to the Wilson's company. His foster mother instructed him to greet the Wilson's, in which he first met James. 

"Aleksandr Mathewson, foster kid of the Mathewson's." 

"James Wilson, only child of the Wilson's." 

Ten minuets that felt like hours to Aleks, filled with two dances and a small conversations about likes, dislikes, the company, family and anything they could think of. The Russian never met anyone so much like him on an intellectual level and personality wise. It was like love at first sight. He wanted James so bad, to take him away and keep him to himself, but then there was Jordan. 

He remembered the look on Jordan's face. Helpless as he stared at the pair. Aleks made a choice. He could see the wanting in Jordan's eyes as his blue eyes were trained on the man Aleks was talking with. 

With a smile on his face, his lead James to the other side of the ballroom.

"Aleksandr? Where are you taking me?" James asked, following along with the smaller man.

"I'm about to change your life."

James gave him a small smile and quickened his pace. "Well than lead the way."

They stopped in front of Jordan who looked slightly nervous.

"James, meet Jordan Mathewson."


"He's my brother."

"Its a pleasure to meet you Mr.Wilson." Jordan said shyly with an ever present smile on his face.

"Please, the pleasure is all mine. Call me James." Aleks walked away giving them a wink and a smile while they hit it off, talking and laughing.

He knew Jordan like he knew his own mind. You could never meet anyone as trusting or as kind as him. Aleks knew that if he told Jordan that he loved James, Jordan would give him up and he would be his and he would say that he was fine even though he knew it wasn't true.

At least Jordan was his husband. He got to keep James in his life, even if it was torture to be in love with the man your brother is married too.

"I love you both and wish you the best. I truly hope you're satisfied." Aleks finished the speech with a shaky smile and a few tears. To others it may look like tears of happiness, but to him, it was tears of pain. The pain of having to watch your brother marry the man you love.

The youngest Mathewson stepped off the stage, getting hugs from both Jordan and James who thanked him for introducing them that night. Aleks walked away as the reception began, everyone stepping onto the dance floor.

Aleks separated himself from everyone else and walked outside, taking a seat on the stairs, placing his elbows on his knees, his face hidden in his hands. He let out a pained sob as years hand down his face, dripping onto the floor beneath him.

The sound of laughter and happiness coming from inside drowned out his harsh crying.

"Ill never be satisfied..." Aleks whispered.

And So It Begins: NovaHD [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now