> With animal ears <

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He never liked the way he looked. He hated them. They made him a freak. He felt unloved. He felt like an outcast. No one wanted him. No one would ever love someone like him. 

Aleks felt this way for the last seven years. Seven years ago at the age of 16 he was kidnapped and tested on, which gave him his dark brown cat ears and brown tail to match. Seven years ago he escaped from the lab. Seven years ago he came back to his parents who accepted him with open arms who were just happy to have their baby boy back. 

Two years later, him and his family were on the run. Aleks at the time was wanted by the people he escaped from. One night, they figured out where his family was hiding. In the car chase between the run way family and the people from the lab, the family's car swerved off the street and crashed in a ditch. 

The people from the lab believed that all were dead and the chase was over, but little did they know that Aleks was pushed out of the car before they crashed. His mother, who was in the back seat with him, shoved him out the door without there followers knowing. No one knew how they didn't notice a boy being pushed out the car.  

He woke up hours later a few feet away from the crash. He immediately ran over to the crash sight and fell to his knees when he realized what had happened hours before. 

Aleks spent a few weeks hopping towns and finally decided that they thought he was dead. He settled down in Littleton, Colorado. He got new clothes and a new apartment, using they money put aside for him in his parents and his own account. He brought things from this old house that they had left. Aleks made sure to grab a picture of his parents before leaving forever.

His life was back on track and he was finally happy but he would always live with that guilt of his parents death. 

He worked a a small cafe. It was a place to get coffee and other drinks, then a small library on side where people could grab books and read them while drinking. Aleks met a lot of people and by now he knew all the regulars and considered them friends. They knew him and loved seeing him there.

Aleks was happy he could finally have some peace in his life. Yes, he did have to make sure to hide his ears and tail when out, but at home he could be himself

Today was September 6th. It had just turned fall, which was Aleks' favorite time of the year.   

Aleks sighed and rubbed his eyes when his alarm woke him up. Ten-Thirty, go to work at eleven. Normally he would stay for closing, which is at eight. So he would get home around nine. His boss, Linda, always wanted to pay him extra but he always denied. Aleks never minded staying so late. Linda reminded him of his mom. She cared for him. When he had first came to the shop a week or two after his parents death, and asked for the job, he spilled his entire life to her. 

He was scared and lonely. She didn't judge him and didn't care that he was part cat. She took him in for a few weeks until he was able to get into his bank accounts. 

He dragged himself out of bed and  slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans, and a grey V-Neck T-shirt. He grabbed his favorite sweater, a maroon zip up hoodie, and a black beanie to cover his ears. He wrapped his tail around his waist with medical bandages like he did every day. 

He left his room and almost tripped over his dog, Mishka. She just yipped happily and ran around in circles. Aleks smiled down at his dog and walked over to her food bowl, making sure to give her enough food and treats for the day. Mishka followed him to the door and sat patiently at his feet. Before slipping on his shoes, he bent down and gave Mishka a few belly rubs and a kiss on her head. 

And So It Begins: NovaHD [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now