> Fallen angle(s) or Guardian angle(s) <

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*This will mostly be written in James and Aleks's point of view.*
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When you become a guardian angel, you don't really remember who you are. You only remember bits and pieces of your past life. The people who choose you and the other guardians are called the council, the highest level of guardian angel. The council fears that some might avoid there duty of helping others if they know who there family is. They might want to go see them.

A guardian angel's job, is to protect and serve. They have a few rules you must follow, and all are very important and you must not disobey them.

You are tasked with the job of helping someone in this world who needs it. Let it be something small, like family troubles or something huge like being on the verge of suicide.

When you appear to your person, you look normal. Only they can see your wings and tattoos.

Oh yeah. Did I forget to mention the tattoos? Each angel has tattoos. Going from there forearms, chest and their backs and on their torso. Each angle has a different color. Mine are red but like a deep crimson color. My wings are white with traces of the dark crimson color in each of the feathers.

Anyways each child is born with a mark on there neck that only an angle can see. The angle that gets assigned to you has the same mark on their hand. The angles mark can change depending on who their assignment is.

Weird, I know. I think it's kinda dumb to have the mark if it's just going to change all the time but the council says it's to show the connection between you and the human.

My name is James Wilson, age 25. I died in a car crash on June 27, 2012- Or well that's what my papers said. I used to work with a group of guys that did something. They won't tell me what I used to do, no matter how much I beg them to let me know, they refuse.  

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The only way you become a fallen angel is when you brake the rules. I was just so desperate. I didn't mean too. All angels have to follow the same rules. But me? I didn't. 

One of the main rules is that you can't go see your family. When I was a guardian angel, I snuck into the file room. I flew around looking for my file that has all of my past information on it.

I spent hours on hours reading and re-reading about my past life I had to see them. I needed to see my family one last time. 

I knew what was going to happen but I just pushed the thought away. I was desperate.

I looked up my sisters name in the system and assigned myself to her. I felt my mark change and waited until someone told me to go to her and fulfill my duty.

I was so happy when I met her. My whole family was so happy to see me. I told them all about being a guardian and how I went against the rules just to see them one more time.

When I returned was when everything went wrong. I was summoned to go see the council. 

I tried to explain myself.

Becoming a fallen angel is horrendously painful. I felt my wings and back burn as my bright green wings turned a pitch black. Pain was all I felt. My tattoos lost their color and turned into a murky grey. 

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