> Shopping <

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James groaned as Aleks attempted to pull him out of bed.

Aleks was determined to get James to take him shopping today because he needed a few new outfits. Or so he thought he needed them, which in fact he did not.

"Aleks I don't want to go. Now fuck off please." James voice was partially muffled because of the pillow James had stuffed his face in.

Aleks giggled but had an idea. He continued to gently nudge his boyfriend as he sopke. 

"But James. Please, for me? The one you love and care for deeply." Aleks moved toward James's ear and spoke softly. James let out a groan. He shifted so he could sit up.

"You lucky I love you, ya' little shit." James said. He ran his hand through his hair and glanced at Aleks who had the biggest grin on his face. James rolled his eyes and stood up.

Aleks laid back on the bed and watched as James got dressed. Few minutes later and they were in the car on the way to the mall.

When they arrived Aleks dragged James to a bunch if diffrent stores to see which one fit his style.


Aleks found the perfect store. Not to flashy but still nice clothes and not too expensive.

James took a seat on one of the couches that sat in front of the dressing rooms and sighed. He pulled out his phone and decided to post something on twitter to express his distaste in the fact they were shopping.

He looked up from his phone to see Aleks - arms full of clothes - running into the room. He closed the door behind him.

James let out a loud groan and ran a hand over his face. He heard a chuckle and felt the couch dip next to him.

"Your girl trying on clothes in there?" A female voice said. James looked up from his phone to see a girl, maybe in her twenties with her arms crossed.

James gave her a small smile, and  ran a hand through his hair. 

"No actually, I'm gay and my annoying boyfriend is in there." He said laughing a bit. The girl smirked and held out her hand for James to shake.

"My names Kelly and my girlfriend in there, her name is Lilly. We've been dating for a few years and she loves to shop. How long have you and him been dating?" She said flicking some hair out of her face.

"James. His name is Aleks and we've been dating for about seven months, but have known each other for a few years." James replied back.

The girl smiled and nodded her head. Just then Aleks came out the door.

"James do these make me look fa-" Aleks stopped mid sentence and looked at the girl.

"Who's this?" Aleks asked. James was about to answer when a higher pitched voice answer for him.

"Dont worry Aleks. Thats my girlfriend I was talking about. Cute 'aint she?" James assumed the girl was Lilly said.

Aleks nodded his head and turned back to face his boyfriend.

"So do these make me look fat? Lilly said they look nice on me but I don't know." Aleks announced uncertainty.

James chuckled as Lilly rolled her eyes.

"Aleks you look fine. Just buy them." He watched as Aleks smiled and walked back into the room, soon followed by Lilly.

" Does he always act like that?" His new found friend asked. James sighed once again and nodded his head.

" Sadly yes. He has a very low self-esteem."  James said, voice with a hint of sadness. 

"Lilly is quit the opposite. She thinks she looked good in everything, which not going to lie, she really does. She kinda acts like a little spoiled brat but, I love her all the same." Kelly had a hint of irritation in her voice but you could tell how much she cared for her lover. 

James was the same though. He thought very highly of his boyfriend and loved him very much. Even though he made him take him shopping almost once a week to get even more clothes. 

In the change room, Lilly and Aleks were going crazy, giggling and talking about anything and everything. Their conversations went from clothing, to their relationship and many other things like what the boys do for a living. 

For the next hour and a half, both Aleks and Lilly came in and out of the room in different outfits and got the okay from their partners. Most of the time, the two on the couch said nice things, not wanting of offend their lovers unless it was necessary. 

"Well im done." Aleks aid as he walked out of the room with an arm full of clothes and a smiling Lilly behind him.  

After paying for thier items and exchanging number the two pairs went home. 


The end. 

I got really lazy on this one, sorry. 

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