> Kitty Cat <

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Because why not? Remember this is fiction... (picture is the cat Aleks turns into)


None of the Creature employees understood what exactly led to Aleks mystically turning into a cat. Especially James. It wasn't everyday that you leave your boyfriend alone at the office while he works late, and come back the next day to a cat in his seat.

Everyone immediately began to question Jordan because he was the cat lover but ignored the cat who was struggling to type a message with his small paws. Aleks hissed loudly gaining the YouTubers attentions. He was sitting down, with his tail flicking behind him. When they asked what he wanted he got up, walked to his computer and placed a paw on the screen.

Stefani walked over to the computer and began to read the message out loud.

"Its Aleks you dumbasses. I don't know how I'm a fucking cat but you guys need to figure out how to turn me back. Also can I have some food and water?" The group immediately questioned how this must of happened.

After a few days everyone was used to having the cat around. They made sure to feed him and give him water. They made up a small lie to the viewers that Aleks went on an emergency trip and wouldn't be back for a while.

Jordan was the one who payed the most attention to the cat. Aleks was constantly wanting attention and for people to pet or play with him. (His cat instincts were getting stronger.)

For the first two days Aleks stuck to Jordan and Stefani (who thought Aleks was adorable) who were actually taking this seriously. James had been slightly ignoring the cat, just wanting his boyfriend back.

By the third day, most of the men of the office agreed that the cat was actually quite cute and soon gave in to petting and playing with him. Sometimes Seamus and Dan would let the cat spend time with them in their own office so he wouldn't get lonely.


Loud scratches and meows came from behind James' door. James took off his headphones and pushed himself away from his desk with a frustrated sigh.

Already knowing that it was the cat wanting attention, he got up from his desk and open the door. Aleks was sitting down, staring up at James with his tail flicking back and fourth.

"What do you want?" James asked, looking down at the cat. Aleks just meowed and darted past his legs running into his office. James rolled his eyes and closed his door once again. He paced back over to his chair and sat down, continuing his editing.

Aleks placed his paws on James legs, trying to gain his attention.

"Aleks, please I'm trying to work. Somthing that you haven't been doing."

The cat gave him a look that just screamed 'James I'm a fucking cat. I can't work'

Aleks crouched down and sprung upwards, latching onto the computer chairs arm rest, and pulled his small body up. He slipped under the arm rest and curled up into a small ball on James' lap; tail curling around himself and shut his eyes.

James looked down at the cat with a small smile.

"Really Aleks?" James asked. The black, grey and white cat just looked up at him and meowed once again, then placed his head down once again.

About thirty minutes later, Aleks woke up from his lap and sat up.

"Finally awake? Did you enjoy your nap?" James said with slight sarcasm. Aleks placed his paws on Janes' chest and stood up. He began to rub his small face aginst James', letting out loud purrs. He left a few small licks on James' lips before curling up on his boyfriends lap once again.

"Alright, alright. I love you too."

James let out a long sigh and smiled widely, finally giving into the small cat and began to pet him. Aleks began to purr loudly, happy that his boyfriend was finally loving him again.

Both just hoped Aleks would change back soon.


10 outta 10. (Jk it sucks) Idea was not mine. If you look up kootraPkc on Tumblr a story called a man and his cat will come up if you scroll down for a bit. That is where I got the idea. Both are somewhat similar. You should go read it.

As you can see I'm also updating more for once. Is that good or bad? Are these one shots getting worse? Leave some feedback please. Thank you. Love you guys.

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