> Late Nights At the Slaughterhouse <

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(Outfit Aleks is wearing above. Sorry for any grammar mistakes. Note on the bottom, please read it.)


"Aleks and I are going to take a nap. Don't fucking bother us, or I'm firing you. We will be up in an hour to continue working." James yelled. The boys knew he was joking about firing them, but they knew it was some sort of threat knowing James.

It was currently ten o'clock in the evening, and the couple didn't get much sleep the previous night, as they were preparing videos for the upcoming conventions. While everyone at the house was working on editing videos, James could see how Aleks was falling asleep in his chair, slowly losing focus on the video he was working on. 

James knew he was an asshole and he often did things Aleks hated just to piss him off like getting stuff on his face, making the Russian freak out. Though, he did know when things were getting to far and knew when to stop when it came to his boyfriend (well, sometimes). Even though he was an asshole, James had a deep caring for the younger male, and would do anything for him in the end. 

James wrapped an arm around the pale man and led him to the room were Brett was staying a few weeks ago. Once they entered the room, Aleks took a few steps and threw himself on the bed, groaning loudly. James chuckled and pulled off Aleks' shoes, then took off his own before climbing in next to him. 

"Cuddle me, asshole." Aleks mumbled causing James to bark out a laugh. "Why should I, fucker?" James said with a smirk gracing his face. "Because, I'm your fucking boyfriend and if I want you to actually hold me for once, instead of avoiding contact, maybe you should just go with it." Aleks growled.

"Fine, come here." James wrapped an arm around the smaller male and dragged him closer. He ran his fingers through Aleks' hair, knocking of the beanie that served no purpose. Aleks soon nuzzled his was under James chin and sighed contently. 

He placed a gentle kiss onto Aleks' head and smiled as Aleks giggled, in a very manly way. "Go to sleep. That's the whole reason we're up here, princess." The older male mumbled into Aleks hair. He felt the man on his chest frown, and groan slightly.

"Don't call me that, fucker." Aleks' retort was muffled by James' chest. Aleks could feel the vibrations of James' laughter and rolled his eyes, and made himself comfortable.

"You love it." James whispered, shutting his eyes and welcoming the sleep that followed. And though Aleks would never admit it or even come close to saying it out loud,  he kinda did love it when James called him cute nicknames, even if it was a girly one.


Later that night, both men were back to editing the last few videos. Trevor sat at the island in the kitchen with a laptop. Joe and Aron, seeking a more comfortable position to edit spread themselves on the floor, monitors, keyboards and mouse in front of them, in the room upstairs.

Aleks and James on the other hand were cuddled up on the black and white cow couch.  James was seated against the arm rest, while Aleks was pressed against his chest and James had his arms tightly wrapped around his waist.  Aleks' lap top rested on his lap as he continued to edit the thumbnails for the videos they recorded. 

Aleks breathed in the scent of coffee, as Joe had just made each of them a cup. He picked up the mug that laid on the floor next to the couch and took a drink then handed it over to James who took it from his and took a sip as well. 

"Ew, are you two sharing a drink?" Trevor joked. Aleks rolled his eyes and began editing a thumbnail. They were used to the stupid comments and jokes made at them and occasionally made fun of themselves or even laughed at some of the silly jokes and gagging noises.

"You're spreading germs." The youngest member of the group said,  a small smile on his face.

Aleks continued to ignore Trevor, while James went on a rant about how they have shared a lot more than just coffee, which caused the young man to make a disgusted face and turn back to his work.

Aleks laughed and shook his head when he seen the smug, shit-eating grin on James face. The oldest of the couple placed his head in between Aleks shoulder and the base of his neck, placing a few small kisses there.

The Russian sighed in contentment. Joe and Aron soon came down stairs, claiming they finished and took to sitting on the floor, backs against the couch the couple inhabited.

Small conversations between the group began, ended and started again. The small, soft words created a peaceful atmosphere, no yelling, not intentionally hurting each other. It was perfect. A small, happy smile spread across Aleks' face. A sudden need to let these people know he cared for them, washed over him.

"I'm happy you're all here. Especially Aron and Joe. Thanks for choosing us. And though we're assholes to you Trevor, I'm very thankful we have you on our team. For once, I'm absolutely happy." Aleks said softly, stopping the other conversations.

The response he got was very wide smiles and James' arms gripped him tighter. Aron and Trevor began to tease him, but Aleks just smiled and laughed along, knowing that this was their way of showing affection.

Who cares that this new chapter in Aleks' life involved hanging out with assholes all day and spending long nights in an abused house. Aleks was happy, and that's all that mattered.


I know this sucked and I really am sorry. Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I'm just not... okay. I love you guys and thanks for reading. 

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