>Hello Friends!<

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Hello, Its your author once again bringing news. 

I just wanted to say a few things, 

1. Happy Holiday's to you guys! I hope you have a great time or have had a great time with your family!

2. I've decided Im going to do about two to three more of the 30 day challenge prompts (Arguing, Making up and, Birthday which is going to be James', and I might do them getting married, maybe.) After that I plan on making this book a place where I can write all my one-shots for NovaHD and occasionally another ship. I hope you all are okay with that. 

3. I would also like to thank you all for so many votes and comments saying nice things and just being overall supportive. It means a lot to me because writing gives me something to do to keep my mind off all of my bad thoughts. 

4. Speaking of doing random ones-shots for NovaHD, I will be taking requests if you guys would like that! Just send me a message or leave a comments and I'll make sure to work on it!

So once again Thank you all so much! I love you guys more then anything. 

~Syvannah AKA TheRealCry

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