> Uncle Ally <

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We're going to pretend Aleks has a twin sister named Amanda.


While his twin sister was on a two week vacation,  she decided that giving her two daughters to Aleks was a good idea. Of course it was, seeing as Aleks was a perfectly good care taker and loved the girls unconditionally. This wouldn't be the first time, but now he worked at the office with a bunch of childish men who liked dangerous things.

The day came when the girls and Amanda arrived at his house. Upon opening the door his legs were trapped by two pairs of arms. He smiled down at them.

"Uncle Ally!" They screamed in unison. Aleks gave them another wide smile and bent down giving each girl a hug.

"Ally! We get to spend two weeks with you!" Sally should happily.

"Yeah! Two whole weeks with your favorite Nieces!" Aleks chuckled at Dawn's claim.

Sally was the youngest at six, with blonde hair from her father but had her mother's light brown eyes while Dawn was the opposite, while she was eight years of age and had long brown hair like her mother and was the spitting image of her mother. Both were beautiful and well behaved girls (Especially for Aleks).

"Sweetheart you and your sister are Aleks' only nieces. Well on that note Aleks both backpacks are right there, you know what to do. I'll see you in two weeks," Amanda placed a kiss on her twins' cheek and on each of her daughters foreheads. She walked back over to the door and turned around to face them,

"Bye girls! Behave for your uncle okay?"

"Yes mommy." Both girls beamed happily.


The next day Aleks had to bring them in the office so he could record and edit a few things. Aleks helped Sally get dressed where as Dawn could do it herself and then grabbed his own backpack which now had a more of the girls toys inside of it.

"Come on girls!" Both girls came bounding over to him, and held each of his hands.


When he arrived at the office both girls demanded to be carried. He sighed but helped Sally onto his shoulders and held Dawn at his side.

"Dawn please make sure your sister doesn't fall." Though Aleks was holding onto Dawn with one arm and holding onto Sally's feet with the other as said girl gripped his hair.

Making his way into the building and through the elevator, not wanting to make the effort of going up stairs with the extra weight.


"Wow Aleks. She looks just like you. Who are they?" Jordan asked with a large smile on his face.

"This is Sally and Dawn. They are my sisters kids and they will be staying with me for two weeks, meaning you will see them here for most of the time. We need to stop the really stupid shit we do in the offi-"

"Oooo! Leksi swore! Another dollar in the swear jar!" Dawn said interrupting Aleks. Aleks smiled down at the little girl.

"Don't tell mommy alright. It will be our little secret! I'll give you a treat if you keep the secret? Alright girls? And yes, I'll put another dollar in the jar." Aleks said fondly while sliding his fingers across his lips as if he was zipping them shut.

Jordan could see the difference in the way he treats the girls. He clearly loves and cares for them and it was nice to see his friend being less angry and sarcastic.

"Well Jordan I have to work so they will just be in my office with me" Aleks smiled before lifting Sally into his arms so she could sit at his waist. He held Dawn's hand as he led the girls to his work space. He soon got distracted with his work, completely forgetting about the girls, as they played on the floor beside him.

It wasn't until he glanced and realized that the oldest of the two was no longer present, that he whipped his head phones off and told the other to stay put.

The Russian was clearly worried, knowing that there were plenty of things for a small and curious girl to get hurt with. He booked it down the halls checking each office and eventually wandered into James'. He sighed in relief when he seen the two together.

"God James. I'm so sorry. I thought she was still in the room with me  sorry she interrupted your work."

James was shocked at the personality change but shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't worry. She didn't do anything wrong." James took a second look at the little who was quickly playing with the large corgi plushie on the floor. Taking in the features of the little girl, he noticed how much they looked alike.

"You know, you and her look very similar. Is she yours?" James asked. Aleks shook his head no and rolled his eyes.  

"James you know I'm gay. I've never liked girls. Also, for your information she's my twin sister's kid. James meet Dawn. One of my two favorite Nieces." Aleks smiled down at the little girl. Dawn climbed up onto James' lap and began to ramble on.

"Oh! Uncle Ally is just the best. He let's us have late night snacks and sings us songs when we have nightmares. He plays games with us and teaches us how to say things in Russian! You know he likes you a lot. He talks about you all the time." Aleks stood in shock as the eight year old admitted how he felt about James.

"Is that true Aleksandr?" James said turning his head towards the younger male, whose face was turning a deep red. Aleks' mouth opened and closed like a fish causing his niece to giggle.

"I uh, I mean. I-I-uh...yeah. I-I do. But it's totally okay if you don't like me back I don't want to lo-."

James quickly cut him off, knowing that if he didn't, Aleks would continue to ramble on. 

"I like you too asshole." Aleks was surprised and was about say something but was stopped by his niece. 

"James has to put money in the swear jar!" Aleks chuckled at James confused face. 

"Want to come over later and see the swear jar? Your going to have to put a dollar in or the girls will get angry." Aleks grinned as James agreed to come over. 


Lets just say, James came for the swear jar and stayed for much, much more. All the girls know is their uncle owes a lot of money to the swear jar in the morning. 

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