> Corn Maze <

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Aleks ran and hand over his face sighing in frustration. The sun had set long ago leaving the bright moon being the only thing slightly lighting up the area. His phone had no service, only being able to give him the time which was only really helpful to tell him how long its been since he was forgotten.

The Russian wrapped his arms around himself, now regretting not listening to Seamus and Eddie when they warned him it would be cold out. When they warned him he didn't think he would have to be out here for hours because they had forgotten him. He continued to stumble around in the darkness of the night hoping to find an exit.

The male let out a loud yelp when he ran into something hard, crashing to the floor landing painfully on his ass.

"Ow. Shit that hurt." Aleks growled out. He glanced up at the man before him who was completely frozen, just staring at him. Said man shook his head and immediately reached out a hand.

"Shit dude, my bad. I'm just a little lost." The man laughed slightly as he pulled the man up.

"I'm James, and you are?" Aleks smiled at the man, "I'm Aleks. With a k-s instead of an x. I was left behind by two of my friends." He dusted the dirt off his pants as he spoke.

"Yeah same here, they were on a date and I was third-wheeling. I guess they ditched me to go make out or something." Aleks let out a very girly giggle and ran a hand down his side.

"Well, looks like we're stuck here together until the morning. I've been searching for an exit for the last hour and a half and my phone has no reception." He smiled at James and took a seat on the floor.

James smirked and took a seat next to him. "Guess we have nothing to do but talk while we wait for a rescue party." James made sure not to sit to close next to Aleks, as he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. "So tell me your life story." James stated, giving Aleks a small smile as he leaned against the wall of corn and hay.

Aleks grinned and scooted closer, wanting to be able to see him better. He was pretty hot. Brown eyes and curly hair covered with a beanie. A short beard was present on him as well.

"Not much to tell. I was adopted when I was younger. I used to live in Russia when I was younger, but my adoptive family moved here. I'm twenty-three, play video games for a living and have a dog named Mishka. Shes a cutie." He shrugged his shoulders and turned towards the other male, "And what about you?"

"Well, I've lived here all my life, and I'm twenty-five and I too, play video games for a living and have a dog as well. Her name is Ein. Shes a little asshole but I love her." James smiled at the man before him. He was adorable. Brown hair, that looked soft to the touch, and honey-brown eyes. He had a beautiful smile and James couldn't help but to love.

The two of them talked for hours, getting to know each other, telling funny stories and jokes, passing the time. Aleks officially decided he really liked this guy and set his plan into motion.

"So, have you got a significant other?" He asked calmly, shifting a little closer to him, making it so their shoulders were pressed together. James gave the man a glance but shook his head.

"Nope. Haven't met the right guy I guess. You?" Aleks grinned when James mentioned his sexuality.

"Nope. Haven't me the right guy either." James couldn't help but to feel joy as Aleks spoke of being gay and not having a lover.

And So It Begins: NovaHD [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now