> In a different clothing style <

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Uh...I think this counts? Maybe? I don't know.


Aleks woke up with a quiet groan. He slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the bright light coming from the window. He slowly reached over to the bedside table, and grabbed his phone, glancing at the time and all the notifications from friends and fans.

He let out a sigh when he seen that it was six am and he knew from experience that he would not be able to fall back asleep. Without turning around, he listened to the snores emitting from his sleeping boyfriend. He knew James was a deep sleeper but still made sure to be as quiet as possible.

Aleks slowly pulled James's arm from his waist and placed it next to him. Aleks pulled back the covers and shivered from the cold air that hit his bare chest. Moving out of the bed gently, he padded across the room to the door of James's room.

He stepped out into the hall way, and walked over to his own room. He wandered over to his closet and opened the door and  shifted around. He grabbed a a grey crew neck sweater that was really baggy on the boy. He was immediately filled with warmth even though he was in boxers. 

Before he left he stopped to look at himself in his mirror. His dark navy blue boxers were semi showing from under the large sweater, which sleeves covered his hands. 

His hair was a complete mess but he was too lazy to fix it. Today was their day off anyway. Aleks stepped out his room and walked over to the stairs that led to the kitchen. Once he entered the room he was met by Mishka and Ein running around him happily. He smiled at the dogs and walked over the back door.

The sun was just rising. The backyard was illuminated by the light glow of the sun. He let the girls run around outside as he went back inside and made himself a cup of coffee. After letting the girls back in, he grabbed his coffee, fixing in the way he likes. When he carefully hopped up on top of the counter, he leaned back against the wall.

Aleks tugged his legs in close to his chest and let his sleeves cover his hands to protect them from the heat of the mug. The young boy started out the window, watching as the early birds were jogging and getting ready for work. 

Aleks stood there watching for quite a while, soaking up the sun. About thirty minuets passed before he decided to move. He paced over to the reading nook they had and grabbed a book that he was reading off the shelf. The Russian began to lose himself in the book. 

In the other room, about four hours later, James had just woke up, and immediately noticed that his boyfriend was missing. The other of the two started to worry slightly because Aleks never woke before him. James sat up and got out of bed. He grabbed a pair of sweat pants and left his chest bare. 

Jame walked over to the stairs and walked down. He glanced into the kitchen not seeing him.  He calmed down when he noticed the small boy curled into a ball reading. 

A small grin spread across his face. James personally loved these moments when his boyfriend wasn't wearing his usual tight jeans and tight fitting shirts. 

Aleks cuteness factor was through he roof, according to James. The fact that his sweater was so big on him made his small frame look even smaller. The glasses he was wearing, were slipping down his face and he continuously tried to push them up but they kept falling. 

James walked over to Aleks and picked him up so that he could slip under him. He situated them so that Aleks' back was pressed against James' chest. James arms wrapped around Aleks, and breathing on the nape of his neck. 

Aleks let out a shiver. 

"Good morning to you too." Aleks mumbled. James let out a warm breath cause Aleks to shudder once again. James smirked. 

"You so fucking adorable. You know that. Especially when you wear your glasses. God, Your just so fucking cute. " James said in a low voice. Aleks began to blush. 

"Oh whatever! Go away, i'm trying to read." Jame let out an unattractive snort and began to laugh, and just tightened his grip on Aleks.


This so does not count but oh well.....

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