> Sleep, then dinner <

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(Only James is a Creature and Aleks is an artist working for a comic book company, my own little AU I guess. I think its cute. It will also probably pop up a few more times. Also Aleks is a bubbly, cheerful person.)


The twenty-three year old artist pushed away from his desk as his boss called him into his office. He trudged his way over, tired from his lack of sleep and opened the door, taking a seat.

"Yeah boss?"

"How about you take the rest of the day off? You have been working really hard lately and I can tell you're tired. Please Aleks, go home and get some rest." Mindy, his boss gave him a concerned look. Aleks shook his head.

"No its okay. I don't sleep much until James gets home anyway and that's usually around one or two in the morning." The tired man replied with a small smile on his face. He was very appreciative that she cared but, knowing that he would not sleep until James returned home, he knew hew would have nothing to do for the time being.

"Aleks, Please, go home. The newest Deadpool comic doesn't have to be finalized until two weeks from now. You can relax for a day or two sweetheart." Mindy said, concern lacing her voice. Aleks was about to interrupt, but sighed in defeat and nodded. He took a glance at her tousled hair, the many papers scattered around the desk, and the glasses that hung low on her tired face.

"Alright, I'll go. Thank you Mindy. Maybe you should go home too." Aleks gave a appreciative smile. He walked back over to his own work space, gathering up his art supplies and shoving them inside of his backpack.

He made his way out of the large building saying goodbye to a few of his co-workers, and pulled out his phone as he made the journey home. He quickly typed up the easily remembered number of his boyfriend and placed the phone at his ear.

When James answered Aleks could hear him yelling for everyone to shut up. Aleks let out a small giggle.

"Hey love, what's up?" Aleks heard a voice yell out 'awe' in the background causing him to blush and giggle lightly.

"Hey Jamie. Mindy let me out of work early. She could tell I haven't been getting enough sleep. She gave me the same lecture you did about the final comic being due two weeks from now." The younger male could hear the other chuckle.

"I told you, you little asshole. I knew there was a reason I liked that woman. Oh! I'll be home soon okay? In about an hour or two. Take a nap and I'll wake you when I'm home." Aleks grinned widely.

"Alright. Love you James."

"Love you too Aleks. See you at home." Aleks hung up the phone and continued on his walk to their house.


Jordan looked at his friend who had a dopey smile on his face. James turned to face his boss.

"Oh Aleks is just the best Jordan. Can I leave early today to hang out with him?" James smiled at his friends. They could all tell how much Aleks has rubbed off on the man, for he was now a lot more happy and excited.

"Of course James. You don't have to ask. Go spend time with your boyfriend. He probably misses you." Jordan replied with a wide smile on his face.

Spencer and Dan smiled widely at him. All were happy that their friend found someone. James continued with his work a few more moments and then began to pack up. After saying his goodbyes he headed to his home. He was anxious the whole ride home, waiting to see his lover.

The lights were off in the house meaning that Aleks was probably in their room. The older of the males headed up the stairs after greeting his and Aleks' dogs and headed to the first room on the left.

Aleks was spread out on the large bed, in a pair of black skinny jeans, and in one of James' sweaters that he recognized as a Creature merchandise sweater. James slipped off his sweater and shoes and carefully slipped in bed with his lover. Almost immediately Aleks curled up against James and let out a happy sigh.

"Hi Jamie." Aleks mumbled tiredly. He rested his head on James' chest and laid his hand on his beating heart. James wrapped an arm around Aleks, resting at his hip.

"Hey Leks. How you feeling, love?" James asked running his fingers though Aleks' soft hair.

"Im just tired. Are we still going out to dinner with your friends?" Aleks asked as he scratched James' beard.

"Yeah, if you still want too." Aleks hummed in response.

"Can we take a nap?"

"Of course, darling." James shifted down the bed, tugging Aleks towards himself, tangling their legs together.

A few hours later the couple woke again and headed out to dinner, filled with conversations about Aleks' work as well as new plans for the Creatures. On the way back home, James couldn't help but to smile at his lover who promptly passed out once he places his head on James' shoulder.

"I told you, you fucking needed sleep, asshole." James muttered affectionately.

"Shut up, dick." Aleks mumbled.

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