> In Battle Side-by-Side <

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"Why do you always get yourself into trouble Aleks?" I muttered to myself as Aleks let out another grunt as he tried to push the zombie off of his body.

I sprinted over to him and stood behind the zombie, raised my  axe high and slammed it into the zombies head, and pulled it off of Aleks.

" Thanks babe." Aleks said breathlessly. He readied his bow at his side and walked next to me, I rolled my eyes at my goofy little Russian, but gave him a small smile anyways. 

"Yeah, yeah your welcome."

Ahead of us was Jordan, Dan,  Spencer, Seamus, Eddie and Stefani. Jordan held his knife at his side in a tight fist, with the other hand hovering over his gun, just incase. Dan held his gun at his side along with Spencer and Seamus with their own guns. Stefani and Eddie were both armed with guns on their hips and a melee weapons in their hands.

Eddie with an ice pick and Stefani with her handmade weapon, 'The Z wacker', a metal bat with large spikes coming from the end.

" Come on, we should get moving. The car is still half way across town and it's getting dark." Jordan said as he began walking, Dan at his side.

Aleks picked up a few of his arrows off the floor and from the zombies he shot on the way at added them to the multiple he already had in his quiver.

No one knew how he still had so many after the amount of hoards they've killed. Aleks also had multiple hunting knifes in an array of different areas on his body. 

Turns out that all the messing around we did with knives helped him out a lot. He was a natural at it. Able to kill a zombie just by throwing the knife at them.  

We paced down the quite streets. Aleks now had Eddie on his back because even in a world where zombies roam the earth, he is still just as childish.

"We have guests." Stefani said as she pointed forward. I heard a thump as Aleks dropped Eddie off of his back. A took a stance next to Aleks raising my axe, ready to strike when needed.

Aleks slowly inched his way closer to me, so that we were touching. It was something he did a lot more lately. In a shaky hand he gabbed two knives, one from his waist and the other from a holster on his thigh.

Three zombies headed towards us. I raised my axe and brought it down on the zombies head with a sickening crack. I could hear Aleks grunt as he stabbed both zombies at the same time.

He fell against me so that we were back to back. I could feel his harsh breaths quicken, as more zombies came towards our group.

It was an endless cycle of bringing my axe down and smashing the decaying skulls. From the corner if my eye I could see Aleks kill zombie after zombie.

" Guys! Need some help over here!" I looked to my left and seen Jordan being backed up into a corner.

" Just use your gun! Theres to many! It won't matter! " Aleks yelled with a tired voice as he pulled his own gun out to shot a zombie that got a little to close.

I seen an opening in between the hoard. I quickly grabbed Aleks' handand tugged him towards the clearing.

When the pick up truck came into view, we sprinted faster. A few seconds later we reached the truck. Aleks hopped in the back of the truck and stood tall with a gun in hand shooting everything he could, as I drove back towards the group.

We passed Stefani, Eddie and Seamus. They quickly jumped in the backseat, Stefani going in the back part with Aleks, giving Jordan and Dan cover as they too began to sprint to the truck.

When everyone was in the car I quickly drove off making sure to avoid crashing into any zombies.


A few days layer we found each other in quite a similar situation. However, last time we were surrounded,  it was zombies. This time it was everyone's biggest fear in the apocalypse : humans.

They held Aleks and Stefani by their arms and hand one of their arms around their necks, almost chocking them. They demanded our truck in exchange for our lives. The rest of had our guns pointed back at the group of eight men. Aleks gave me a pleading look as a tear slipped down his face.

"Now listen here boys. Put your guns down and give us the truck and we'll give you your friends and your lives. But I mean, we can take these two and you can keep your car and lives. There real cuties and will probably come in good use. Right guys?" The men gave Stef and Aleks perverted looks cause then both to shiver in discomfort. They tightened their grips on the pairs neck causing them to let out strangled breaths. 

I growled under my neath and waited for Jordan's que. I heard him give them a strangled answer. 

" Alright. They can have it." The men dropped Aleks and Stefani on the floor and booked it to the car. Both began to couch loudly. I ran over to them and helped them up, and they gave me grateful looks. I could already see bruises forming on their skin. I heard a few snarls and growls and turned around to be met with a bunch of zombies. I let out a sigh and readied my axe. 

Aleks stood up straight and pulled put two knives once again. I could tell both Stef and Aleks were weak after being choked. A felt Aleks slump against my side. I nudged him with my elbow and gave him a concerned look. 

"You going to be okay?" I said quietly. He looked up at me with tired eyes but gave me a short nod. I was silent as he stood more on his on feet rather then lean on me. I glanced over at Stefani who stood next to Jordan who was standing protectively in front of her. He had her bat out but looked like she was about to pass out. 

A zombie started to sprint towards Aleks. He weakly held a knife about his head and brought down into the side of the zombies head. He took a step back as the zombie fell at his feet. He gave me a thumbs up and a small smile. I quickly slammed my axe down on a zombie who was getting closer towards us. 

"Come on guys run!" I heard Jordan yell as the others began to follow him. He had Stef in his arms as she now looked like she passed out. 

I looked over to Aleks who had a sad look on his face. "I can't run." Aleks said. I shook my head  and quickly picked him up bridal style. He gripped on to me as tight as he could as I began to sprint. 


 Sorry this sucks... Does it even fit the title?

Sorry guys.... Everything had just gone to shit and my depression is hitting me real hard as of late. 

Once again, Sorry that this sucks. Ill try and update soon. 

And So It Begins: NovaHD [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now