> Fighting <

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The twenty-six year old professional Kick-boxer stood in front of his lover's door. Breath labored, bloody limbs and face, hands shaking and bruised and bleeding knuckles. Pieces of glass still stuck in the cuts on his head, made the cuts bleed worse. With trembling hands, and hesitation, he knocked on the door.

He braced himself for the lecture he wold get from his protective and motherly, complete nerd of boyfriend. He reached up to ring the doorbell after he couldn't hear movement. A smile spread across his sore face as he heard a loud crash and footsteps pounding down the stairs. The door flew open and in all his glory stood a half awake Aleksandr Marchant.

No shirt, exposing the pale chest, only wearing a pair of sweatpants. The black rectangle glasses Aleks wore were halfway down his nose, which made James want to kiss him for being too adorable. James watched as Aleks took time to realize what as happening, and when he did his eyes flew open in shock.

"James! What the fuck?" He spoke in a tired voice laced with concern. He grabbed James by the front of his shirt, dragging him to the living room and placed him on the couch gently. Immediately Aleks took off to find his things: All of his medical supplies, a bright lamp to see what he was working with in better lighting, water, towels, and a short stool for him to sit on.

James watched with a fond smile, as Aleks rushed around. It was nice knowing he had someone who cared for him this much. He placed everything on the coffee table and pulled it closer to the couch. He took his place next to James and assessed what he was dealing with.

"Is that glass? God, James you said you were going to an after party for the match not another fucking fight!" Aleks said.

"Dirty bitch smashed a glass over my head Aleks. It was a party until three drunk guys came at me. I have cuts on my arms and a few on my stomach. One of them had a knife with them. Got me pretty bad. You will most likely have to sew some up darling." James said. Aleks sighed and placed a kiss onto James forehead before getting to work.

He silently reached over and grabbed a few cotton balls, tweezers, and alcohol and positioned himself by James' head.

"This is gonna hurt. A lot". The medical student said before covering James' eyes with a towel and began pouring the Alcohol and using the cotton to clean up the excess. James hissed but stood still, letting the boy do his work.

He began to pick at the cuts, getting all the glass he could see out with the tweezers, wincing every time his boyfriend would make a pined noise. Now that the towel was removed he could see James' eyes. He continued to clean and remove glass until he couldn't find anymore. He quickly cleaned up the blood before wrapping bandages over bigger cuts and placing 'Hello Kitty' Band-aids over the others.

"You know, Sometimes I think you only dated me because I was a medical student." James glared at Aleks as he muttered those words. Ignoring the glare, he took a pair of scissors and began to cut James' shirt off, not making him move and open any cuts even more. When Aleks finished cutting, he grabbed him chin making him face himself.

"Hey. I love you more than anything. Not just because you take care of me. That's just an added plus. I love you for you, not because of your skill set. Okay?" When Aleks nodded with a a red face, he smiled and winked a the Russian.

"Now. Hurry and finish so I can show you how much I love you." Aleks giggled but continued what he was doing. Cleaning with alcohol and cotton balls then placing band-aids and bandages. When he got to the biggest and deepest cut, that clearly needed stitches, he sighed.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" Aleks said as he prepared a needle.

"Aleks you've done this before." James started and rolled his eyes.

Aleks gave him a quick smile, a warning of how bad this will hurt and began the process of stitching up the cut. It took quite a long time, but soon enough he finshed. He wrapped a bandage around James to protect the stitches and slowly stood up, beginning to clean.


"Thanks for helping me. I Love you so much Aleks." James muttered as he pulled his boyfriend closer to his chest. He placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and looked at the ceiling, silently thanking whoever brought Aleks into his life.

And So It Begins: NovaHD [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now