mother's day P2

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tw: child loss, depression
(i'm so sorry)

8 months later

"Fuck you Travis." I groaned as I leant forward in the hospital bed and clenched my teeth, trying to get through the contraction.

"I love you too baby." He smiled as he massaged his hand over my back.

As the contraction finally subsided, I fell back into the pillow and tried to catch my breath. "I must be near 10cm now... it hurts so bad." I cried, groaning at the pressure in my stomach and back.

I'd been in labour for way too long. It started out fine, just like period cramps, and I really thought Id be able to handle it, but it very quickly got significantly worse. Thank god Travis was here with me the whole time, even though sometimes I wanted to rip his head off, he had been my biggest support person. He helped me try different positions when my back was getting sore, he dealt with me when I was having meltdowns from the pain, and he let me squeeze his hand so hard it snapped (a few times).

Just as I finally started to breathe normally again, the doctor walked in, snapping on a pair of gloves.

"How are you feeling Taylor?" She asked, and I propped my legs up a little so she could check me.

"So ready for this to be over." I sighed. Even though I wasn't in the middle of a contraction, there was so much pressure in between my legs I felt like my body might explode.

"Well, you're 9cm! By the time we get everything prepped for delivery your baby should be ready!" She grinned, pulling off the gloves and throwing them in the bin.

I gasped and smiled, my head falling back onto the pillow as I sighed. Finally.

My main doctor and a nurse whisked around the room getting everything ready. Seeing them wheel in the tiny baby cot suddenly made everything so real. In no more than an hour (hopefully) Travis and I would be parents.

"We're having a baby Travis." I sobbed with a small smile on my face as I turned my head to face him. "We're finally, really having a baby."

"We really are." He grinned, then gently kissed my forehead.

A moment later another contraction tore through my body, and I groaned out in pain. My body trembled as I pressed my head deeper into the pillows and grabbed the railing of the bed, squeezing it tightly. In this moment all of the breathing exercises and little tips and tricks Travis and I had learnt in the many birthing classes we went to had completely slipped my mind. The last thing I was thinking about was 'how to breathe'.

90 long, awful, painful, horrible seconds later, it was over, and I could finally half relax again, but unfortunately that didn't last long.

Over the next few minutes, my contractions were non stop, giving me no more than ten seconds between each one. I had never been more exhausted in my life.

"I can't do this Travis." I cried and shook my head.

"Yes you can baby. You're so strong. You absolutely can do this." Travis encouraged, giving my shoulder a gently rub.

"I want the epidural- I can't do it." I sobbed desperately. I had chosen to not have an epidural, wanting it to be all natural, but right now I was pretty fucking mad at myself for that decision.

"It's a bit late for that! You're at 10 centimetres Taylor, your baby is ready to meet you!" The doctor smiled as she got herself situated between my legs. I always thought I'd find giving birth embarrassing, but right now, I was in so much pain that I couldn't care less if ten people were looking down there.

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