surprises in paris

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this one's a littleeee long but enjoyyy
tw: vomit, abortion

"Baby, hey, wake up beautiful."

Taylor groaned softly as her eyes fluttered open, and she glanced around at the car, before her eyes flicked up to me.

"We're back sweetie. Let's get you to bed." I placed a soft kiss onto her temple, then helped her walk up to our hotel suite.

"I've never been so exhausted." My girlfriend yawned as we walked inside, and I shut the door behind us.

"Well, you did just finish four, three hour shows in a row." I chuckled, and threw my arms around her waist from behind.

Taylor giggled and quickly turned herself around to face me, and wrapped her arms up around my neck, then yawned again. "I know, but it feels different. I feel a bit sick too, but I'm probably just overtired."

I nodded and leaned in, then ducked my head to lightly kiss her lips, and instantly I felt her smile against my mouth.

"I love you Travis. Thanks for coming all the way to Paris." She mumbled weakly, still against my lips.

I pulled away slowly to look into her eyes, "You think I'd pass up an opportunity to come to the city of love with the woman I love? Never." I grinned, then ducked my head down again to lean my forehead against hers.

"I love you, Tay."

"I love you too Trav." Taylor tilted her head up, then stood up on her tiptoes to place her lips against mine, gently biting my lower lip then slipping in her tongue.

I moaned quietly, then suddenly pulled away. "You're too tired for this. And you know how worked up I get with your tongue."

Taylor smirked and giggled, then shuffled her body closer into mine. "I know baby." She sighed, "But I guess you're right. I'm totally shattered."

After eventually separating, I changed into a pair of boxers and a shirt, and walked towards the bathroom expecting to see my girlfriend in her favourite little pyjamas. Instead, I was met with my girlfriend, very, very naked, standing in front of the mirror, brushing her teeth.

"Well, hello." I smiled, placing my hands onto the slight curve of her hips from behind.

She turned her head to face me, then grinned before turning back to the mirror.

"It's so hot. And clothes were making me uncomfortable." She muttered with her toothbrush still in her mouth.

"I'm certainly not mad about that." I smirked, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss onto her neck. "Do you want some ibuprofen before we go to bed?"

She nodded, giving up trying to talk while brushing her teeth.

I went and grabbed her two pills and a glass of water, then placed them on her bedside table, and climbed into bed.

A few minutes later, I furrowed my eyebrows and climbed out of bed when I heard Taylor coughing repeatedly.

"Tay? Oh- baby, are you okay?" I kneeled down next to her and placed my hand on her back as she gagged over the toilet. It didn't look like she'd actually thrown up yet, but I pulled her hair out of her face in case she needed too.

"You're okay beautiful, you're okay." I massaged her back gently with my hand, until she eventually managed to throw up properly.

When she finished, she sat and leant against the bathroom wall, then looked toward me. The look on her face was so vulnerable, and it broke my heart. I also didn't fail to notice how she made sure her arms were covering her bare chest, and her legs were pressed tightly together.

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