dont leave me p2

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tw: self harm

The next few days were awful. I flew over to Sweden the day after Travis left, and if I'm being totally honest, I've been moping around like somebody died.

I felt ridiculous, missing him so much, but he assured me he felt exactly the same way, so that helped me feel not so crazy.

Pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I collapsed onto the couch, and brought my knees to my chest. I tapped through my phone until I got to Travis' contact, then pressed the face time button.

"Baby! Hey!" He smiled after immediately answering.

"Hi." I smiled, instantly feeling better. Somehow, he had the ability to flip my day upside down in the best way possible. His smile was everything to me, but god, I wanted to hug him.

"How was your day? Did you have rehearsals?" He asked, and we very quickly slipped into casual conversation about each other's days.

"Fuck." I quietly grumbled to myself when I got a notification to tell me I had 5% left. We'd been on the phone for over an hour at this point, so I shouldn't be shocked that it was near running out. Quickly getting up from the couch, I moved to bed and plugged in my phone, lying down sideways, holding my phone in front of me.

"You okay?" Travis laughed as he watched me shuffle around through the phone.

"Yeah, my phone almost died. But it's okay, it's on charge now." I smiled, my eyes involuntarily slipping closed at the sudden change in setting. The darker room and laying down made me realise how exhausted I must've been.

"You're tired, you should go to sleep baby. You have a show tomorrow!" Travis said excitedly, trying to hype me up.

"Yeah... I'm excited." I smiled weakly. "I don't wanna hang up though. Just a little longer." I begged, and Travis gave in quickly. 

We talked for almost another 2 hours, getting so caught up in conversation that both of us completely lost track of time. It was getting close to 11pm for me, and I knew I should sleep, but I really, really didn't want to hang up.

I stared through the screen at Travis, as he blabbered on about something that had happened while he was filming yesterday. I was barely listening to him, so lost in thought at how much I missed him, and how much I loved him, and how perfect he looked through my little screen.

I felt myself tear up, and before I knew it I was crying, and when Travis noticed, he quickly stopped talking to ask if I was okay.

"I miss you." I sobbed, my voice cracking and barely audible. "I can't do five weeks... it's barely been four days Trav." I started to hyperventilate, sobbing so hard I almost thought I was going to throw up. God. I hadn't cried like this in months, I felt ridiculous.

"Oh sweetie..." Travis frowned. "I wish I could run to you and give you the biggest hug right now. The second I land in Liverpool, I'm not leaving your side." He assured me. I sniffled, then nodded

"You can just come up on stage with me." I sobbed, and managed a small giggle.

Travis grinned, "Could I? I reckon I'd be an amazing backup dancer."

I smiled, and somehow, he got me to laugh. "Yeah, you would."

We talked for a little while longer, until eventually Travis pretty much forced me to go to sleep, but promised he'd stay on the phone with me until I was asleep, which he did.


I woke up the next morning to my blaring alarm. My body jerked me awake, and I sat up in a hurry, digging through my blankets for my phone that I'd obviously fallen asleep holding.

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