Sick in Singapore

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a request 🫶🏻🫶🏻 enjoy!!

It was Taylor's final show in Singapore tonight. Travis had been watching from a box up in the stands with a bunch of his friends, but wanted to be there waiting for her as she walked backstage, so he headed down during the Midnights set.

As usual, he made sure he was there watching from the floor for when Taylor said 'chiefs' instead of screen. And of course he had to do his signature dance move to go along with it.

He could never get sick of watching Taylor perform. The way she had roughly 70,000 people wrapped around her little finger every single night was just mind blowing to him. He made a mental note to tell Taylor how proud he was of her. He told her pretty frequently, but he was feeling extra proud tonight. She'd truly been incredible.

As Taylor took the final bow at the end of Karma, Travis headed backstage. He and Taylor had discussed beforehand that he wouldn't wait for her in front of everyone this time. This time they wanted to stay more private. So he did just that, waiting patiently in her dressing room for her.

"Baby that was so electric! I'm so proud of you." Travis grinned as Taylor appeared through the door and basically fell into his arms.

He embraced her in a tight hug, then released her, leaving his arm still around her waist. They walked together through the dressing room and managed to duck away quickly into the back of the car without anyone seeing them.

"You seriously killed it Tay, you were phenomenal."

Taylor smiled weakly, her head resting on Travis' shoulder.

"You okay? You haven't said anything." Travis worried, running his fingers through her currently very frizzy and sweaty hair.

"Just exhausted." Taylor muttered under her breath. Travis watched as her eyelids drooped, but fluttered open every few seconds. Taylor was obviously desperately trying to keep herself awake.

"You can sleep love, it's a fair drive." Travis said softly, before placing a kiss on top of her head.

"I-... I don't feel so good Trav." Taylor mumbled. She lifted her head slowly off his shoulder, taking a second to steady herself before blinking a few times to see clearly.

"You do look a little pale," Travis put the back of his hand to her forehead, "and you feel really warm. Here have some water." He took a bottle from the car and threw a straw into it, placing the tip of the straw directly onto taylor's lips. "Take small sips." He instructed, still holding the straw and bottle for her.

As Travis pulled the bottle away, Taylor couldn't even find the strength to thank him. She just took a deep breath and focussed on keeping her head up.

"Here baby," Travis patted his shoulder, to which Taylor immediately took him up on and rested her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep almost instantly.

As the car came to a stop, Travis pressed a soft kiss onto Taylor's head and ran his hand down her hair and over her shoulder, giving her a gentle rub.

"Baby," He kissed her head again, "we're back sweetie." Taylor's eyes fluttered open as she glanced around her, trying to familiarise herself with her surroundings. "Do you want me to carry you in?" Travis continued to stroke her hair as she nodded weakly.

He shoved all his and Taylor's belongings, phones and such, into his pockets, then helped Taylor out of the car before picking her up bridal style.

Taylor's head straight away fell to Travis' chest as her eyes began to shut. Travis was grateful there was a nice easy entrance to where they were staying in Singapore, it was so private that no one would be able to see them walk in/out, which is exactly what they wanted, especially since they had done some sightseeing while in the country and didn't want everyone knowing where they'd be and when.

Endgame ~ Taylor Swift x Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now